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fly over中文翻译,fly over是什么意思,fly over发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

fly over中文翻译,fly over是什么意思,fly over发音、用法及例句

fly over

fly over发音

英:  美:

fly over中文意思翻译


飞过; 飞到另一个地方去

fly over双语使用场景

1、When do you think we should fly over?───你看我什么时候飞过来?

2、Fly over 50,000 feet in training mode.───在训练模式中飞行高度超过50,000英尺.

3、Planes fly over every day, making a terrible noise.───飞机每天飞过, 吵死人的.

4、To get home, it must fly over country that it has never seen before.───为了回家, 它还必须飞越自己从未见过的区域.

5、In Johannesburg, the exact same shot would either fly over the crossbar or hit the wall, as the lower air density reduces both drag and the effect of spin.───在约翰内斯堡,完全相同的射击既可能比球门飞得高也可能撞到人墙,因为更低的空气密度既降低了拖曳力也降低了旋转效应。

6、When you fly over the title bar for the widget, a downward arrow icon will appear.───当鼠标指针移过小部件的标题栏时,将会显示一个向下箭头图标。

7、No longer do they have to fly over five hours to see me.───他们再也不用飞五个多小时来看我了.

8、Another fly - over will be built across that street.───别的一座过街桥将在街上被修建.

9、Planes fly over all day.───整天有飞机飞过.

10、Birds fly over Mount Everest at altitudes where the air is so thin humans can't function, and no one knows how they do it.───鸟可以在珠穆朗玛峰上空飞行,但山上空气太稀薄人类无法呼吸,没有人知道它们是怎么做到的。

11、I could fly over with you at Christmas, or even before.───我可以在圣诞节的时候飞过去看你, 或者更早一些也行.

12、They were the first two Englishmen to fly over the Atlantic.───他们是最先飞越大西洋的两个英国人.

13、The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.───飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原.

14、Said as he forced a woman to fly over the last kick.───一名女子边说边用力飞踹过去.

15、Air routes fly over or very near some of the largest glaciers in North America.───航班飞机直接从冰川上空或北美洲一些最大冰川的附近飞过.

16、I think I'll fly over and see my relatives in the next state.───我想我得飞到邻国去看我的亲戚.

17、Then they had to fly over a desert in a balloon.───后来他们又必须坐气球飞过沙漠.

18、You want to fly over the water as far as possible.───你要飞过水面,飞得越远越好.

fly over相似词语短语

1、blow over───平息;被淡忘;消散;停止

2、fall over───跌倒,摔倒;绊了一跤

3、falls over───跌倒,摔倒;绊了一跤

4、blew over───平息;被淡忘;消散;停止

5、lay over───覆盖;胜过,压倒

6、all over───到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束

7、fell over───落在


9、fork over───付出;支付

clear和fly over区别?

clear是清楚的意思,而fly over则是飞越的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:

The pilot has to commicate with control tower to make sure the sky is clear before fly over that area, otherwise there will be big problems. 飞行员在飞越该区域之前必须与控制塔沟通以确保天空晴朗,否则会出现大问题。

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