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like love中文翻译,like love是什么意思,like love发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

like love中文翻译,like love是什么意思,like love发音、用法及例句

like love

like love发音

英:  美:

like love中文意思翻译



like love双语使用场景

1、The beauty of that light, like love, is not to be touched, not to be put into a word.───那光的美,就像爱,无法被触及,无法被诉诸语言。

2、I called it love I mean - it felt like love There were moments. . . well, there were moments. . . (The Present)Go out with you?───我打电话给它爱我的意思是-它就像爱的感觉有分别的时刻…好,有分别的时刻…(目前)走出去与你?

3、I don't like love, because I love you.───我不喜欢爱,因为我爱你。

4、The mist , like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty.───雾,像爱情一样,在山峰的心上游戏,生出种种美丽的变幻。

5、We are very similar to other teenagers, we all deal with the problems of our age, like love etc.───我们跟别的少男少女非常相似,我们都要对付这个年龄段的问题,比如恋爱等。

6、It was like love at first sight, when I first met Tony, I had this, you know, strong connection.───这跟一见倾心一样,当我初次见到托尼的时候,你知道,我有那种很强烈的心灵的感应。

7、This day is like love, like the blue is in the light of the existence of the heart.───这样的爱情就像天一样的蔚蓝色,是淡淡的在内心存在着的。

8、From the inside it feels like love -- protecting kids from having to learn lessons the hard way, by telling them how you would do things.───从内在来说,这种唠叨像是爱—告诉他们你会怎样做事,从而保护他们,避免经受残酷的教训以得到经验。

9、The mist , like love , play upon the heart of the hill, and brings out the surprises of beauty .───雨雾,就像爱一样,玩转于山的内心,带出美的惊奇。

like love相似词语短语

1、make love───v.**;示爱(献殷勤)

2、find love───找到爱

3、like to───喜欢;近乎

4、bike lane───自行车专用道

5、lie low───潜伏;平卧;保持沉默

6、alsike clovers───三叶草

7、in love───相爱;恋爱中

8、alsike clover───三叶草

9、free love───自由性爱



1、like:像、 如同、大概;和 ... 一样;相似的;同样的;喜欢;想;愿意;类似的人或物。


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