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set off for中文翻译,set off for是什么意思,set off for发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

set off for中文翻译,set off for是什么意思,set off for发音、用法及例句

1、set off for

set off for发音

英:  美:

set off for中文意思翻译



set off for双语使用场景

1、He took these items, and set off for Athens.───他拿起这些东西, 并且离开了雅典.

2、They piled into the embassy car and set off for the city.───他们全挤进了大使馆的汽车,往城里驶去.

3、We set off for London just after ten.───刚过十点,我们就动身上伦敦去了。

4、Hearing the news, they immediately set off for the station.───他们一听到这消息便立刻动身去车站.

5、They remounted their bicycles and set off for Paris.───他们又骑上自行车向巴黎进发.

6、Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut.───尼科尔斯启程前往他位于康涅狄格州的偏远农舍。

7、He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.───他开始了在新斯科舍为期19天的猎驼鹿行程。

8、We put the calories in our stomachs and set off for Beijing.───我们填饱了肚子便启程北京.

9、They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.───他们带上两把利斧便朝森林走去.

10、If you want to catch that train we'd better set off for the station immediately.───你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站.

11、Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut.───尼科尔斯动身去他在康涅狄格州的偏僻农舍了。

12、We set off for London.───我们动身去伦敦.

13、They returned at twilight, and set off for one of the promenade bars.───他们黄昏时分回来,然后去了一家步行街酒吧。

14、They've set off for the long trudge home.───他们出发了,长途步行回家.

15、Sixteen of the youngsters set off for help, but during the descent three collapsed in the cold and rain.───16名年轻人出发去寻求帮助,但在下山过程中有3人因寒冷和大雨晕倒了。

16、The children set off for school.───孩子们上学去了.

17、A part of the money was set off for the building of a science boardinghouse.───一部分钱被拨出来用作修建科学寄宿宿舍之用.

18、I set off for the valley, trusting to luck.───我动身去山谷了,一切全凭运气。

set off for相似词语短语

1、let in for───使陷入(困境);损害

2、send off for───送别

3、get off on───享乐;感到兴奋;被毒品麻醉

4、set offs───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开

5、set off───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开

6、sent out for───派…去取

7、send out for───派…去取

8、get on for───v.接近,靠近

9、went out for───努力争取;(运动员、运动队)尽力参加选拔赛

2、set out和set off的区别?

"set out" 和 "set off" 都是动词短语,但含义不同。

"set out" 意为“开始做某事”、“出发”、“阐述”等。例如:

- We set out early in the morning to climb the mountain.(我们一早出发去爬山。)

- The report sets out the company's financial situation.(报告阐述了公司的财务状况。)

"set off" 意为“引起”、“触发”、“点燃”等。例如:

- The loud noise set off the car alarm.(巨大的噪音触发了汽车警报器。)

- The fireworks set off a beautiful display of colors.(烟花点燃了美丽的色彩。)

此外,"set off" 还可以表示“出发”、“启程”等,但与 "set out" 的意义略有不同。

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