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iron out(ironed out中文翻译,ironed out是什么意思,ironed out发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

iron out(ironed out中文翻译,ironed out是什么意思,ironed out发音、用法及例句)

ironed out

ironed out发音

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ironed out中文意思翻译



ironed out双语使用场景

1、Sales director Mike Reed said the system ironed out fluctuations in output, keeping packaging machinery working at high speed.───销售总监麦克里德称,该系统消除了输出的波动,使包装机械在高速工作。

2、Nothing good is likely to happen until some of these political uncertainties have been ironed out, a process that will take months.───如果上述其中一些政治危局未获解决(而这又需要数月的时间),就很难期望有好消息出现。

3、Finally, the specification is put into business use and any remaining wrinkles are ironed out.───最后,将规范投入业务使用之中,并且消除任何遗留错误。

4、"We were at loggerheads on that, " he said, but a compromise package was not ironed out.───“在这个问题上,我们总是争执不下,”他说,但折中方案并不是没有可能。

5、The specification for browser-based SQL data is still in flux, with its specifics still being ironed out.───基于浏览器的SQL数据的规范仍然在不断演变,具体细节仍然在整理当中。

6、That sort of thing will all get ironed out over the next several weeks.───这些问题将在未来几周加以解决。

7、There are good relations between the two clubs, which would indicate that any final details should be ironed out in the coming days.───两家俱乐部之间一向关系不错,所以交易应该在这几天之内就完成,并公布具体细节。

8、Still to be ironed out is a decision about the entity that will operate the database.───与将要控制数据库的设备有关的决定仍待解决。

9、As of today, a few of these havebeen ironed out.───在今天,这其中的一些麻烦已经被解决。

ironed out相似词语短语

1、cranked out───制成;粗制滥造

2、crossed out───划掉

3、iron out───消除;烫平

4、zoned out───(使)变得浑然无觉;(使)变得头昏脑胀

5、cropped out───突然发生;出现

6、irons out───消除;烫平

7、ironed rust───[材]铁锈


in the shirt 在这件衬衫,前面可以加主谓语,She ironed out all the creases in the shirt.

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