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standard deviation中文翻译,standard deviation是什么意思,standard deviation发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

standard deviation中文翻译,standard deviation是什么意思,standard deviation发音、用法及例句

1、standard deviation

standard deviation发音

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standard deviation中文意思翻译



standard deviation双语使用场景

1、Remember that the market portfolio's standard deviation was about 13 percent in the 1990 s.───记得市场组合的标准差在二十世纪九十年代约为13%.

2、Average angle and standard deviation also available.───平均值和标准背离值同样是被用到的.

3、The standard deviation of average birth weight of piglets in a bigger litter increases Table 2.───窝仔数越多,平均出生重的标准差越大.

4、The relative standard deviation should be no greater than 2.0 %.───其相对标准偏差也应不大于2.0%.

5、The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the mean and standard deviation from a grouped frequency distribution.───六西格玛黑带应该能够计算出一个分组发生频次分布数据的均值和标准偏差。

6、This spread of possible outcomes is usually measured by standard deviation.───这一未来结果的展步通常以标准差衡量.

7、The standard deviation measures spread by looking at how far the observations are from their mean.───标准偏差可查看各个观测值离均值有多远,衡量数据的散布.

8、Calculate the variance and standard deviation of this rate of return.───计算这一回报率的方差和标准差.

9、Calculate the standard deviation based on the entire population.───STDEVP计算基于整个总体样本的标准偏差.

10、Risk management, for instance, depends on tools such as variance, standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis.───风险管理, 例如, 依赖于工具,如方差, 标准差, 相关和回归分析.

11、The standard deviation was determined for both groups to determine the variance of placement.───采用标准差来确定两组中隧道位置的偏差度.

12、The result shows that standard deviation is 0.02, coefficient of variation linear correlation is 0.9996.───方法标准偏差为0.02, 变异系数为 0.24% .本方法可适用于霜脲氰及其复配制剂的分析.

13、What's the deal with standard deviation?───标准偏差又是怎么回事呢?

14、Mainly determine the standard deviation of statistics and maximum and minimum values and determine the differences.───次要是猜测统计的尺度不确和最不小值和最小值之间的不同边界.

15、The rate of decreasing depends on the standard deviation of the data set.───降低率数据的标准差取决于集.

16、We shall standard error of estimate as a tool in the same way standard deviation.───同标准差一样,应该把估计值平均误差当作一个工具.

17、Uncertainty of Sample Mean and Standard Deviation.───取样平均值与标准差之不确定度.

18、A volatile stock would have a high standard deviation.───不稳定的股票会有一个高的标准离差.

19、Risk for our purposes in the variability of returns and may be measured standard deviation.───风险是预期收益不能实现的可能性,可用标准差来度量.

20、Standard deviation, RSD and confidential limIt'should be reported.───均应报告标准偏差 、 相对标准偏差和可信限.

21、The lognormal distribution , like the normal, is completely specified by its mean and standard deviation.───对数正态分布,如同正态,以其平均值和标准差被完全地指明.

22、Limit how many times standard deviation a point has to be below surface to be classified.───限定多少圈标准偏差为一个点是必须低于表面并分类.

23、The standard deviation from the mean is the preferred quantity.───用平均值得出标准偏差是优先采用衡量的单位.

24、The best efficient portfolio offers the highest ratio of forecasted risk premium to portfolio standard deviation.───最优投资组合提供了最高的预计风险溢价对投资组合标准差比率.

25、What does the standard deviation have to do with risk?───标准差和风险有何关系?

26、Estimate the standard deviation based on a sample.───STDEVA估算基于一次抽样的标准偏差.

27、You can't think out a number to describe the twenty-five standard deviation event; it's just too large a number for any of us to comprehend.───你无法想出一个数字来描述25个标准差事件;这个数字太大了,我们任何人都无法理解。

28、Mathematicians call this the second standard deviation channel.───数学家说这是第二条标准背离通道.

29、Results The correction factor was 0.8551 and relative standard deviation ( RSD ) was less than 3.5 %.───结果校正因子为 0.8551,本方法相对标准偏差小于3.5%,精密度、灵敏度较高.

standard deviation相似词语短语


2、standard amenities───标准设施


4、standard function───[数]标准函数

5、standard deviations───[统计]标准差

6、mean deviation───[数]平均偏差;[数]平均偏移;均差

7、standard functions───[数]标准函数

8、mean square deviation───均方离差;标准差

9、standard of education───教育标准



标准差(Standard Deviation),是在概率统计中最常使用,作为统计分布程度(statistical dispersion)上的测量。标准差定义为方差的算术平方根,反映组内个体间的离散程度。测量到分布程度的结果,原则上具有两种性质:一个总量的标准差或一个随机变量的标准差,及一个子集合样品数的标准差之间,有所差别,其公式如下所列。标准差的观念是由卡尔·皮尔逊(Karl Pearson)引入到统计中。


标准偏差公式:S = Sqrt[(∑(xi-x拔)^2) /(N-1)]公式中∑代表总和,x拔代表x的均值,^2代表二次方,Sqrt代表平方根。

STDEV基于样本估算标准偏差。标准偏差反映数值相对于平均值(mean) 的离散程度。


标准差也被称为标准偏差,或者实验标准差,标准差(Standard Deviation)各数据偏离平均数的距离(离均差)的平均数,它是离差平方和平均后的方根。用σ表示。因此,标准差也是一种平均数。标准差是方差的算术平方根。 标准差能反映一个数据集的离散程度。平均数相同的,标准差未必相同。

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