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return the favor(return the favour中文翻译,return the favour是什么意思,return the favour发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

return the favor(return the favour中文翻译,return the favour是什么意思,return the favour发音、用法及例句)

return the favour

return the favour发音

英:  美:

return the favour中文意思翻译



return the favour双语使用场景

1、Computers don't just help us; people may yet return the favour.───这是计算机不能帮助我们的,但是人类有可能带给我们惊喜。

2、I'll return the favour sometime.───日后我会报恩的。

3、And if Mr Hollande wins the election, he may well return the favour, and campaign against Ms Merkel in 2013.───如果奥朗德当选法国总统,他很可能会还以颜色,在2013年阻碍默克尔连任。

4、Family members can prove to be supportive figures; seek their advice when needed and return the favour when required.───家庭成员被证明是有益的因素,需要时不妨侦讯一下他们的意见,必要的,你也应该帮助一下他们。

5、I hope I can do something for you one day to return the favour.───我希望有一天能为你做点什么来报答你。

return the favour相似词语短语

1、return thanks───回敬,答谢

2、turn the page───翻页

3、repay the favour───报恩

4、turn the corner───拐弯;转危为安

5、turn the tables───扭转局势;反败为胜

6、earthy flavour───泥土味

7、absorb the flavour───吸收味道

8、enhance the flavour───增强风味

9、return to vendor───购货退回

return the favor是啥意思

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


I'm glad to here that you can cook. Maybe some day you'll fix something for me. I would be happy to return the favor.


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