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originate in中文翻译,originate in是什么意思,originate in发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

originate in中文翻译,originate in是什么意思,originate in发音、用法及例句

1、originate in

originate in发音

英:  美:

originate in中文意思翻译


归因于…,产生于…; 起源


originate in双语使用场景

1、Many cases of seasickness originate in indigestion.───许多人晕船是由于消化不良而引起的.

2、Fine bubbles originate in the lower respiratory tract.───小汽泡则来自下呼吸道.

3、All of the 16 known groups originate in water birds, especially ducks and gulls.───所有这16个家族都是来源于水鸟, 尤其是鸭子和海鸥.

4、Tachycardias that have a right bundle - branch – block configuration in lead V 1 generally originate in the left ventricle.───V1导联有右束支传导阻滞形态的心动过速,其起源部位在左心室.

5、Red - eared slider turtles, a species said to originate in Brazil, are an internationally recognized ecological invader.───红耳龟, 是一种据说是源于巴西的动物.它已经被全球范围内的认为是生态入侵者.

6、Financial crises normally originate in the accumulation of bubbles and their subsequent bursts.───金融危机往往起源于泡沫的积累及其破灭.

7、Aloe belongs to intertropical, tropical plant, originate in south Africa and mediterranean formerly coastal.───芦荟属于热带 、 亚热带植物, 原产于南非和地中海沿岸.

8、Before getting to the bottleneck, mental processes often originate in different parts of the brain.───出现瓶颈前, 各个思维过程经常是来自大脑不同区域.

9、Distributing: Originate in European south formerly , it is hybrid strain more.───分布: 原产于欧洲南部, 多为杂交种.

10、You mean Beijing opera did not originate in Beijing, did it?───您是说剧并不起源于北京, 是 吗 ?

11、We've had a couple hack attempts, and a DOS attack originate in China.───我们有一对夫妇入侵企图, 以及DoS攻击起源于中国.

12、The quarrel originate in misunderstanding.───此口角由误会而起.

13、But does the illusion originate in the mind or in the eye?───但这个错觉是从我们脑子里还是眼睛里产生的?

14、Clearly, species can originate in a variety of ways.───显然, 物种可以以多种方式进化.

15、Official introduction: It is clear with manage to originate in.───官方介绍: 起始于清同治年间.

16、Such kind Samurai moral originate in self - sacrifice from " Hagakure ".───因而 武士道 精神随该退役者扩散全国.

17、Pakistan's major rivers originate in India, he noted.───他补充道,巴基斯坦的主要河流发源于印度境内。

18、Many of our medicines originate in plants.───许多药物原本都是来自于植物。

originate in相似词语短语


2、original sin───原罪





7、original sins───原罪

2、originate from和originate in的区别是什么

首先我们来看下originate from和originate in的大致意思:

originate from:词性为短语,originate表示事物的发源地点、来源、起源、产生等含义,from是介词,表示出处、来源、起点等。

originate in:词性为短语,originate表示事物的发源地点、来源、起源、产生等含义,in是介词,表示范围、内部、原因等。

通过下面的表格我们了解下originate from和originate in的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下originate from和originate in的用法区别:

1.语法角度:从语法角度来看,originate from后接名词,而originate in后接地点或原因。


- This tradition originates from ancient China.


- This problem originates in the government's wrong decision.


2.表达方式:originate from更侧重于事物的来源或起源,而originate in更侧重于事物的根源或起因。


- The origin of this new technology can be traced back to ten years ago.


- The origin of this tradition is to commemorate a great leader.


3.地理范围:originate from指事物的起源地在某地,而originate in指事物的根源所在某地。


- This plant originates from South America.


- This traditional custom originates in China.


4.时间范围:originate from指事物的起源时间在某个时期,而originate in指事物的根源存在于某个时期。


- The origin of this beverage can be traced back to the 19th century.


- This tradition originates in several centuries ago.


5.逻辑关系:originate from表示事物是由其他事物发展演变而来,而originate in表示事物是由内部原因或因素所决定的。


- This technology originates from improvements in existing technologies.


- This problem originates in people's increased awareness of environmental protection.


6.正式与非正式场合:originate from在正式场合或书面语中使用较多,而originate in在非正式场合或口语中使用较多。


- This custom originates from ancient religious rituals.


- The inspiration for this performance originates in a trip.


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