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standfor(stands for中文翻译,stands for是什么意思,stands for发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

standfor(stands for中文翻译,stands for是什么意思,stands for发音、用法及例句)

1、stands for

stands for发音

英:  美:

stands for中文意思翻译



stands for双语使用场景

1、AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.───AIDS是获得性免疫缺损综合征的缩写。

2、decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths.───小数0.61代表61%。

3、In you, Zeus feared the destruction of all he stands for.───“对于你来说, 宙斯所做的都只是因为害怕你把他的所拥有的一切全部毁掉. ”

4、It'supposedly stands for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging.───这个名字可以看成水星地表 、 太空环境 、 地理化学和全向遥测的缩写.

5、For those who don't know, XL stands for Extensible Markup Language.───对于那些不知道的人来说, XML是 “可扩展标记语言”的缩写.

6、The sign of � � in the biology stands for the evergreen plant.───在植物学上△符号表示四季常青植物.

7、To me, It'stands for the truth and the generousity.───在我的眼中, 它象征着真理与广博.

8、My mother stands for the kind treatment of all children.───我妈妈主张对待一切孩子都要慈爱.

9、Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness.───也许是因为孟买主张财富 、 世俗的梦想和对外一视同仁的开放.

10、Next year at Harvard , SAT stands for Stoned And Toasted.───明年,在哈弗,就是香槟和美酒.

11、WAI stands for the Web Accessibility Initiative, and is initiated by W 3 C.───WAI表示“网页自发访问”, 它是由W3C提出来的.

12、I will leave the matter as It'stands for the present.───这事我打算暂时搁一搁.

13、It stands for hope.───它代表了希望。

14、Qualified personnel stands for capital, the drain means the loss of wealth.───有了人才就有了资本, 失去了人才就失去了财富.

15、R & B stands for rhythm and blues, but It'sure doesn't sound like blues!───是节奏蓝调的意思, 但是它听起来一点也不像蓝调!

16、Could you expand this abbreviation? I don't know what It'stands for.───你能写出这个缩写的全称 吗 ?我不明白它的意思.

17、The group stands for a small core of extremists.───这个组织由少数极端分子所组成.

18、AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.───AIDS是的首字母缩写。

stands for相似词语短语

1、stand in for───代替

2、stands down───退出(比赛或竞选);离开证人席;退职;顺潮航行

3、stands up for───支持,坚持;拥护

4、standing for───代表;支持;象征;担任…的候选人

5、stand for───代表;支持;象征;担任…的候选人

6、stands to───遵守,坚持

7、stand up for───支持,坚持;拥护

8、stands on───坚持;依靠;位于;拘泥于;持续向同一方向航行

9、sends for───召唤,派人去叫;派人去拿

2、instead of 和stand for的用法区别


 instead of是介词短语,具体用法如下所示:

1.代替,而不是:We should do something instead of just talking about it.我 们应该做些什么而不是只是谈论。/ Could I have apples instead of bananas?   我可以要苹果来代替香蕉吗?

2.作为刚提及之事的替代:If you cannot attend the meeting, I can go instead. 如果你无法参加会议,我可以代替你去。

3.句子副词:He didn't learn maths.Instead, he became an actor.他没有学数 学,而是成为了一名演员。

stand for是动词短语,具体用法如下所示:

1.象征,代表:what does the letter stand for?这个字母代表什么?

2.忍受 ,经常用否定形式:I won't stand for being treated like this! 我无法忍受被这样对待!

3.主张,支持,维护: She stands for the party. 她维护这个党派。

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