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giftcard(gift cards中文翻译,gift cards是什么意思,gift cards发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

giftcard(gift cards中文翻译,gift cards是什么意思,gift cards发音、用法及例句)

gift cards

gift cards发音

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gift cards中文意思翻译



gift cards双语使用场景

1、Rather than buy an expensive gift, get gift cards and offer to accompany your recipient to the store to help choose the ideal gift.───而不是购买昂贵的礼物,得到礼品卡,并提供陪您的收件人到商店帮助您选择理想的礼物。

2、Here in Atlanta, I carry around McDonald's gift CARDS for encounters with homeless men and women, build Habitat for Humanity houses and donate 3 to 5 percent of our family's annual income to charity.───现在我身处亚特兰大,随身带着麦当劳的礼品卡,以送给那些和我偶遇的无家可归的男女们,我还建造“人类家园”,除此之外,我每年捐出我们家庭年收入的3 ~ 5%用于慈善事业。

3、While Consumer Reports has often pointed out the pitfalls of gift cards, they are, at least, less hassle than pennies.───尽管消费者报告常提出礼物卡片会产生意想不到的麻烦,至少,不那么令人头痛。

4、Finally, at the suggestion of her wedding planner, Josephine Sokoloff, she and her fiance asked for Home Depot gift cards.───最终,在婚礼策划者约瑟芬·索科洛夫(JosephineSokoloff)的建议下,她和未婚夫提出想要家得宝(HomeDepot)的礼品卡作为结婚礼物。

5、Bankruptcies among retailers also scared people away from gift cards, for fear that stores would not be around to honour them.───破产的零售商同时也造成人们因害怕商店不能兑现承诺而远离它。

6、Where the snowstorms were not a factor, stores prepared for a wave of shoppers using gift cards.───暴风雪影响的地方,商店为使用礼品卡的顾客流做了准备。

7、In May this year, the State Council clamped down on the use of gift cards which are often used to bribe public officials.───今年5月,国务院出台措施治理常被用于行贿官员的购物卡(即“商业预付卡”)。

8、Retailers are trying to counter this decline by making gift cards more attractive.───零售商将努力通过使礼卡更具吸引力来应付下降的趋势。

9、By using cash (or gift CARDS), the theory is that when the money runs out, you're done shopping-that's if you don't run to the ATM to restock "to buy 'just one more thing," Rich said.───用现金(或礼物卡)的原理就是当你的钱用光了,你的购物也结束了——前提是如果你不跑去自动取款机那取钱“准备再买一点东西”的话。

gift cards相似词语短语

1、cost cards───[会计]成本卡片;成本卡


3、gift taxes───赠与税

4、draft cards───兵役应征卡,征兵证

5、gift aids───礼品援助

6、gift aid───礼品援助

7、gift card───礼品卡;礼物卡

8、bin cards───[计]卡片箱

9、file cards───锉刀清洁刷;档案卡

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