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intrinsic value中文翻译,intrinsic value是什么意思,intrinsic value发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

intrinsic value中文翻译,intrinsic value是什么意思,intrinsic value发音、用法及例句

1、intrinsic value

intrinsic value发音

英:  美:

intrinsic value中文意思翻译




intrinsic value双语使用场景

1、In other words it tries to determine the actual or intrinsic value of an investment.───换句话说,这种分析试图确定一项投资的实际或内在价值.

2、Today the professor will introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.───今天教授将介绍一些技术词汇: 外在价值和内在价值.

3、But in truth the dollar hasn't increased in intrinsic value at all.───但事实上,美元内在价值并未上升。

4、They require no external justification, they have intrinsic value and importance to those inside the organization.───核心价值观不需要外在的正当化, 它们对组织内部具有内在的价值和意义.

5、Execute the intrinsic value of right lie in fairness and efficiency.───执行权的内在价值在于公正和效率.

6、The intrinsic value of a dollar bill is only that of a piece of paper.───一元纸币的实际价值不过是一张纸而已.

7、The evaluation score of each list company also exemplified the intrinsic value of itself completely.───各个上市公司的评价得分也充分体现了这些公司的内在投资价值.

8、But all exploit the difference between the market price of a business and its intrinsic value.───但是,每个人都受惠于企业市场价格与其内含价值之间的差值.

9、Intrinsic value is fact, not value.───内在价值是事实而不是价值.

10、And put forward feasible to explore the intrinsic value method and procedure.───并提出发掘内在价值可行的方法和步骤.

11、Your intrinsic value has a big effect on your bargaining power.───你本身的价值对于你谈价格的能力有很大的影响。

12、The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.───一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值.

13、the intrinsic value of education───教育的固有价值

14、The intrinsic value of price prep above of authority card.───权证的价格高于内在价值.

15、Diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.───钻石没有多少内在价值,它们的价格几乎完全取决于其稀有程度。

16、Intrinsic value is a sort of explanation for nature, it is fact interwoven with value.───内在价值是对自然界的一种解释, 它是渗透着价值的事实.

17、Execute the value of right divide into intrinsic value and external value.───执行权的价值分为内在价值与外在价值.

18、But teaching is not something that has intrinsic value for all people.───但是教书并非对所有人都有内在价值.

intrinsic value相似词语短语

1、intrinsic part of───固有部分

2、intrinsic factor───内在因素;(造血)[生化]内因子


4、calorific value───[热]热值;[热]发热量


6、intrinsic factors───内在因素;(造血)[生化]内因子





内在价值又称为:非使用价值 定义为一家企业在其余下的寿命之中可以产生的现金的折现值.内在价值是一个非常重要的概念,它为评估投资和企业的相对吸引力提供了惟一的逻辑手段.


此概念有两个含义 。



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