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landed cost中文翻译,landed cost是什么意思,landed cost发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

landed cost中文翻译,landed cost是什么意思,landed cost发音、用法及例句

landed cost

landed cost发音

英:  美:

landed cost中文意思翻译




landed cost双语使用场景

1、Stands for Cost, Insurance, and Freight of your product landed in Australia. Which will be borne by the supplier.───到岸价格的英文是cost insurance freight,也就是说这些货物在抵达澳大利亚之前的全部费用由供货商支付。

2、Leverage TradeAbility Landed Cost to reduce expenses and better serve your international customers.───您可借助TradeAbilitylandedCost减少开销,并为您的国际客户提供更好的服务.

3、First, Blue Origin has successfully launched and landed a reusable rocket. This will drastically reduce the cost of space travel.───首先,蓝源太空公司已经成功发射并且降落一架可以重复使用的火箭。这项创举将大幅压低太空旅行的成本。

4、arrive at above Landed Cost , please consider 5 % EPCG Duty.───以上费用到达,请考虑5%的EPCG税款。

5、Transportation invoices: also need to record invoice as landed cost.───运输发票: 把发票登记为到岸成本.

6、Landed Cost: The total cost of goods to a buyer, including the cost of all transportation.───买家购买产品的全部成本, 包括运输过程的成本、所有关税、手续费等. 也可以译成“到岸成本”.

landed cost相似词语短语

1、handed out───分发;施舍;把…拿出来

2、standard cost───[会计]标准成本

3、fixed cost───[会计]固定成本,不变成本

4、handed on───转交;传递下去

5、handed off───不可触摩;切换,转换

6、standard costs───标准成本;标准价格

7、graded post───坡度标

8、blanded out───夸夸其谈

9、handed down───宣布;把…传下去


ELC(Estimated Landed Cost)是真正意义上的到岸价,指货物直接运到客户仓库的价格。



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