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terms of trade中文翻译,terms of trade是什么意思,terms of trade发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

terms of trade中文翻译,terms of trade是什么意思,terms of trade发音、用法及例句

terms of trade

terms of trade发音

英:  美:

terms of trade中文意思翻译




terms of trade双语使用场景

1、Now the terms of trade have reached new heights.───然而如今的贸易条件创了新高。

2、Improvement in terms of trade is limited as competition erodes price.───由于竞争压低了价格,贸易条件的改善就受到限制.

3、Self - dependence also entails setting terms of trade and deciding whom to engage in commerce.───既然要 自力更生,势必需要设置贸易条件,并决定与谁从事贸易.

4、Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports.───收入贸易条件:即以出口额加权的净易货贸易条件,以此表明出口带来的购买力.

5、Careful selection of terms of trade transactions to avoid the risk of being embodied this principle.───谨慎选择贸易术语规避交易中的风险正体现了这个原理.

6、We should like to know your terms of trade.───我们想了解贵方各类商品的交易条件.

7、Now, the bank declared, the terms of trade had peaked.───如今银行表示贸易额已经过了巅峰时刻。

8、Answer: If it is with EXW terms of trade, EXW offer is excluding taxes do? not.───回答: 假如是按照EXW贸易条款, EXW的报价是不含税的 吗 ?不是的.

9、But thanks to its improved terms of trade, Australia gets more for its wares than it did.───但由于其改善的贸易条件,澳大利亚在商品方面获得比以前更多的利益。

10、At the moment, the terms of trade favour publishers too much.───那个时候, 条款明显偏向出版商.

11、The terms of trade adjustment reflects changes in the capacity of exports to buy imports.───贸易条件调整反映出利用出口收入购买进口货物的能力的变化.

12、But the trade surplus has declined due to surging import volumes and deteriorating terms of trade.───但中国的贸易盈余有所下降,原因是进口飙升,贸易条件不断恶化.

13、So we think in terms of trade areas or regions.───所以我们应当考虑贸易地区或区域.

terms of trade相似词语短语

1、board of trade───同业公会;商业局

2、balances of trade───贸易差额

3、terms of payment───[金融]付款条件

4、chamber of trade───销售业公会;零售业公会

5、restraint of trade───n.贸易管制

6、terms of trades───[贸易]贸易条件;进出口交换比率

7、the motor trade───汽车贸易

8、board of trades───同业公会;商业局

9、terms of reference───受权调查范围

国际贸易术语具有两重性,分别是() A.表示付款条件 B.表示交货条件 C.表示运输条件 D.表示成交价格的构成

1 C 2 A ...第一章:国际贸易术语一、单项选择题 1、在进出口贸易实践...FOBST 8、国际贸易术语具有两重性,分别是( BD )。 A、表示付款条件 B...

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