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the latest news中文翻译,the latest news是什么意思,the latest news发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

the latest news中文翻译,the latest news是什么意思,the latest news发音、用法及例句

the latest news

the latest news发音

英:  美:

the latest news中文意思翻译



the latest news双语使用场景

1、RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from CHP.───RSS是一种让你能时刻紧贴生防护中心最新消息的简易途径。

2、"I wrote the day after DSK's arrest that most likely he was set-up. The latest news now prove that. Who put the money in her bank account? "───我在卡恩被捕后第二天写道,他极有可能是被陷害了。现在的最新消息证明了这一点。是谁把资金打入了她的银行账户?

3、I usually start NewsRack, my RSS reader of choice, two or three times a day to read the latest news over lunch or on the train.───午餐期间,或是在地铁上,我会使用我的RSS阅读器NewsRack阅读最新的新闻,一天两到三次。

4、He monitored the latest news to see what was happening around the world.───他找到最新的消息,想知道世界都发生了什么。

5、Maybe you wish to leave soon so that you can find out the latest news of her condition?───或许您想要早点走好关心一下她的最新情况?。

6、RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from WHO.───RSS是一种简单明了的方式使你能保持了解世界卫生组织的最新消息。

the latest news相似词语短语

1、the latest───最新的

2、hear the news───听到这个消息了吗

3、great news───重大消息;好消息

4、headline news───标题新闻

5、the weakest link───最薄弱的环节

6、the Dust Bowl───尘暴

7、the last sb heard───最后某人听到

8、the last word───最后一句话;定论;最新成就,最新品种

9、the last straw───终于使人无法忍受的最后一击;导火线


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