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profit and loss中文翻译,profit and loss是什么意思,profit and loss发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

profit and loss中文翻译,profit and loss是什么意思,profit and loss发音、用法及例句

profit and loss

profit and loss发音

英:  美:

profit and loss中文意思翻译



n.盈亏账目; 损益

profit and loss双语使用场景

1、Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score.───罗斯科研究盈方一览表就象作曲家熟读乐谱.

2、The key of profit and loss for insurance business is claim ratio index.───经营效益是每个保险公司都关心的问题,保险经营盈亏的关键是赔付率指标.

3、Nobody dreamed of passing his bill to his profit and loss account.───谁也不曾把债权放在自己的盈亏总帐上计算过.

4、Estimate of capital reinvestment and its profit and loss.───资金之转投资及其盈亏之估计.

5、Profit and loss performance responsibility for the division.───负责区域的游戏运营的利益和损失.

6、Profit and Loss and the Cash - Flow Projection.───记好帐对编制当年的财务报表,如损益表(润和亏损)现金流动预测是必要的.

7、Anyway, I have to check your recent Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement again.───不过, 我得再核查一下贵公司近期的资产负债表及损益表.

8、Position has direct profit and loss responsibilities for assigned projects.───该职位直接负责所在项目的损益.

9、Predict this the bottom will realize profit and loss to balance.───估量在本年末将实现盈亏平衡.

10、Row Definition – Profit and loss accounts are used as the row definition.───行定义 — 盈利和亏损账户用作行定义。

11、Second, non - recurring profit and loss deduction after the profit growth faster.───二是扣除 非 经常性损益后的净利润增长更快.

12、It appears as a line in the profit and loss statement.───它以损益表上的一行项目出现。

13、In the greed paradigm, everything is about profit and loss.───在贪婪的范式中, 一切都是关于利润和损失.

14、Did your read our Profit and Loss statement for last month?───你看了我们上个月的盈亏报告了 吗 ?

15、Responsible ofrealization of the nationwide sales department profit and loss account.───对全国范围内销售部的损益账户负责.

16、Profit and Loss Guide entrepreneurs.───盈利与亏损指导企业家。

17、Fees, profit and loss, such as automatic calculation of average position.───手续费 、 盈亏情况 、 持仓均价等自动计算.

18、Would you provide your balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the past three years?───请提供贵公司过去三年的资产负债表和损益账目清单.

profit and loss相似词语短语

1、profit and loss statement───[会计]损益表

2、pros and cons───正反两方面;赞成者和反对者

3、profit and loss accounts───[会计]损益帐户

4、scot and lots───苏格兰威士忌

5、hit and miss───碰巧的;偶然随意


7、profit and loss account───[会计]损益帐户

8、profit and losses───盈亏帐目,损益

9、pre-tax loss───税前亏损


统一负盈利(Total Profit and Loss)是指在一个特定时间段内,一个个体或者公司在所有交易和投资中获得的总收益和总成本之间的差额。


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