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break new ground中文翻译,break new ground是什么意思,break new ground发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

break new ground中文翻译,break new ground是什么意思,break new ground发音、用法及例句

break new ground

break new ground发音

英:  美:

break new ground中文意思翻译




break new ground双语使用场景

1、As Google continues to break new ground at a tremendous rate, perhaps the button will give some impact on the Nostalgic.───谷歌一直都在以惊人的速度创新,但是移除这个按钮可能会对一些怀旧的人产生影响。

2、Company Tenet: Good Quality! Expressment Service! Break new ground!───公司宗旨: 锐意进取! 卓越质量! 真诚服务!

3、Today, at a time when drama troupes are seeking to break new ground, it may be worth preserving this more natural method of performance.───在戏班另寻新空间的今天,或许这也是一种值得保留,也更自然的演出方法。

4、Yet again, Wikipedia is about to break new ground.───维基百科又将开创一个新的里程碑。

5、The things that I've written about are people doing the kind of "break new ground" with machines that are essentially tools.───我以前的书里所描写的主要都是人们利用机械工具所实现的新突破。

6、Break new ground in opening up.───开放要有新局面.

7、However, most of those shells have failed to break new ground and explore new ways to apply redirection.───但是,多数shell并没有提供新的特性或采用新方式来应用重定向。

8、Wheaties, more than most breakfast cereals, has always striven to break new ground in attention-grabbing advertising.───麦片,不像其他的谷物早餐,一直在广告注意力市场里,为攻陷新的领土而奋斗着。

9、Animated films could break new ground.───另外,动画片将开辟一片新天地.

break new ground相似词语短语

1、below ground───在地下;埋葬了;去世的

2、cricket ground───板球场

3、break ground───破土动工;创办;起锚;犁田

4、break the mould───打破常规,摆脱条条框框;揭模,开模

5、to break new ground───开拓新天地

6、breeding ground───滋生地,繁殖地

7、breeding grounds───温床(breedingground的复数)

8、grapple ground───抓斗地面

9、prepare the ground───使···能够容易发展

[A] soil[B] foundation[C] land[D] ground



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