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anything less than中文翻译,anything less than是什么意思,anything less than发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

anything less than中文翻译,anything less than是什么意思,anything less than发音、用法及例句

anything less than

anything less than发音

英:  美:

anything less than中文意思翻译




anything less than双语使用场景

1、Leave a dime or 15 C under your plate for anything less than that.───如果账单不到此数,在碟子里留下10美分或15美分就可以了.

2、Anything less than a playoff finish and he is liable to a tantrum toa deal.───特别是在今年季后赛结束,他要球队寻求交易未果之后.

3、True , reality has consistently flattened China forecasters are anything less than ebullient.───诚然, 事实一再击败了那些对中国经济增长不够乐观的预测者.

4、Petitioners suggest that anything less than certainty, that any speculation, is irresponsible.───申诉者认为不准确的事或推断都是不负责任的.

5、Anything less than an 8 % commission be not worth the trouble because of such heavy expenses.───我们的费用这么多,佣金若低于8%就不值得去劳这个神了.

6、Anything less than a win for them and today's lacklustre performance won't actually be so bad.───如果他们不能获胜,那么我们今天如此糟糕的表现似乎事实上还不算太坏.

7、Such talk has had little effect on rebel leaders, who maintain they will not settle for anything less than Colonel Gadhafi's departure.───这种会谈对叛军领导人的影响很小。他们坚持说,不会接受卡扎菲下台之外的任何解决方案。

8、He is rarely satisfied with anything less than perfection itself.───他对任何不十分完美的事情都极少满意。

9、They couldn't imagine living with anything less than what they have right now.───他们很难想像拥有的比现在更少该如何生活。

10、He is rarely satisfied with anything less than perfection itself.───他一般只对那些绝对完美的事情感到满意。

11、Anything less than 10 percent is not worth the trouble because of such heavy expenses.───由于费用太高,因此如果佣金低于10%,我方就不值得劳神了.

anything less than相似词语短语

1、nothing less than───完全是;不亚于;与…一模一样

2、nothing more than───不过是;无非是

3、anything goes───怎么都行;任何事情都可能发生


5、no less than───不少于,多达…;正如

6、no/nothing other than───没有/只有

7、anything but───根本不,决不


萌妹子的翻译:好傻哦抠脚大汉的翻译:别2.长辈的翻译:别做傻事啊。同辈的翻译:太天真了。黑社会的翻译: 水深着呢。直译:别那么蠢。

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