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domestic market中文翻译,domestic market是什么意思,domestic market发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

domestic market中文翻译,domestic market是什么意思,domestic market发音、用法及例句

1、domestic market

domestic market发音

英:  美:

domestic market中文意思翻译



domestic market双语使用场景

1、The domestic market is shrinking so we have to look at exporting.───国内市场缩小了,所以我们要在出口上想办法.

2、Meanwhile, Chrysler has enough a challenge itsto do better its domestic market.───与此同时, 克莱斯勒改善国内市场表现就已经遇到了不少挑战.

3、As the domestic market becomes saturated, firms begin to export the product.───由于国内市场饱和,各公司开始外销。

4、Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market.───产量包括出口和国内市场销售两部分。

5、As pay goes up the country's domestic market will become more lucrative.───随着工资上涨中国国内市场也会繁荣起来.

6、Container crane companies the domestic market and international market share higher.───公司集装箱起重机国内市场和国际市场占有率均较高.

7、Sales of consumer goods at domestic market increased steadily.───消费品市场销售平稳增长.

8、Company owns a small domestic market, 100 % share of the satellite.───公司占有国内小卫星市场100%份额.

9、But we give you quotations on the same basis as we quote in the domestic market.───我们给你的报价单和我们报给国内市场的是同样标准的呀!

10、Great efforts have been made to increase demand in the domestic market.───中国在拉动内需方面取得了巨大的成效.

11、Important reason for crisis in agricultural backwardness and narrow domestic market.───发生危机的重要原因是农业落后和国内市场狭窄.

12、Foreign and local firms can also divert production to's fast - growing domestic market.───国外和本土的公司也可能会将生产重点转移到中国迅速成长的国内市场.

13、Electrolytic Manganese to keep the domestic market share at more than 60 %.───电解金属锰国内市场份额保持在60%以上.

14、Study technology trend of domestic market and report to Head Quarter.───研究国内市场技术趋势并为总部提供市况报告.

15、But the domestic market is shrinking.───但是,日本国内市场持续萎缩。

16、At present, Hua Hong handicraft products in the domestic market top.───目前, 华鸿工艺品产品在国内市场位居前列.

17、There's strong domestic market demand.───国内都有很大的市场需求。

18、ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market.───因特网呼叫管理(ICM)是一项获得国际专利的、适合国内市场需求的呼叫等待服务。

domestic market相似词语短语

1、domestic abuses───家庭暴力

2、domestic matter───国内事项

3、domestic partners───家庭伴侣;同志伴侣;国内合伙人

4、domestic abuse───家庭暴力

5、domestic rates───住宅税;国内运价

6、domestic cats───家猫

7、domestic servant───家奴

8、domestic partner───家庭伴侣;同志伴侣;国内合伙人

9、domestic cat───家猫

2、Captive Fund是什么意思?

captive fund 专属基金双语例句

1.But it borrows cheaply, partly because the pension fund is a captive buyer. 但其借贷利率却较低,一部分就是由于养老金不得不对这一情况买单。

2.and banks can raise capital from a captive domestic market and a liquid international market to fund future growth, if ultimately to cover future losses. 此外,银行可从无选择的国内市场和流动性好的国际市场融资,号称为未来增长提供资金,而实际目的是覆盖未来的亏损。

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