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chinese zodiac中文翻译,chinese zodiac是什么意思,chinese zodiac发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

chinese zodiac中文翻译,chinese zodiac是什么意思,chinese zodiac发音、用法及例句

chinese zodiac

chinese zodiac发音

英:  美:

chinese zodiac中文意思翻译


n.生肖; [**]十二生肖

chinese zodiac双语使用场景

1、For those in China most schooled in the mystical arts of fortunetelling, all this attention to the Chinese zodiac calendar year is wasted.───对于中国那些精于算命的人而言,所有对中国生肖日历年的关注都是徒劳的。

2、The two pieces were originally among the Old Summer Palace's 12 original bronze animalthe Chinese zodiac.───这两件拍品原是圆明园十二生肖兽首铜像其中的鼠首和兔首.

3、According to the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with one of 12 animals.───根据中国的十二生肖, 每一年都与十二种动物中的一种有联系.

4、The bronzes were once part of a fountain that displayed the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac at the Old Summer Palace.───首曾经是圆明园喷泉的一部分,造型为中国传统的十二生肖。

5、The Chinese zodiac operates on a rotation of 12 different signs , or animals.───中国的黄道十二宫12生肖一轮回.

6、Hong Kong movie industry icon last year released his action film Chinese Zodiac, which he wrote and directed.───香港**业的标杆去年发布了其自导自演的**《十二生肖》。

chinese zodiac相似词语短语

1、Chinese copies───与原物一模一样的复制品

2、Chinese boxes───中国套盒(指大盒子套一串小盒子的玩具)

3、Chinese copy───与原物一模一样的复制品

4、Chinese anise───八角茴香,大茴香

5、Chinese eddo───芋头,芋艿

6、Chinese radish───萝卜

7、Chinese Empire───中华帝国(指1911年以前历代中国王朝)

8、Chinese wood oils───n.桐油

9、Chinese date───n.枣



Ranking as the eleventh animal in the Chinese zodiac--the Shengxiao, Dog is a symbol of loyaltyand honesty.


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