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roger that中文翻译,roger that是什么意思,roger that发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

roger that中文翻译,roger that是什么意思,roger that发音、用法及例句

1、roger that

roger that发音

英:  美:

roger that中文意思翻译



roger that双语使用场景

1、Grimm Roger that. I'll make my own decisions to engage.───明白。我会按自己的判断作战。

2、roger that , you guys looking for a blue recycle vehicle.───收到,你们要找的车在蓝色垃圾车后面。

3、Roger: That will be fine for me, but I'm afraid I'm causing you a lot of trouble.───罗杰:对我来说太好了,不过,恐怕会给你带来很多麻烦。

4、Put that asshole on the ground! Roger that Put some hurt on this guy!───把那混蛋给我打下来!收到!我饶不了他。

5、I told Roger that what he had just said showed what was wrong with the administration.───我对罗杰说,他刚刚说的话恰恰显露了政府的不当之处。

6、Marine: Roger that, shifting fire.───陆战队员:收到了,转移火力。

7、Roger that, level off here.───收到,我们现在平飞。

8、Roger that," Jack replied.───收到。”杰克答道。

9、I told Roger that what he had said made me more likely to run.───我告诉罗杰,他所说的话使我参选的可能性更大。

roger that相似词语短语

1、rather than───而不是;宁可…也不愿

2、so that───以便;所以

3、not that───并非;并不是说

4、bowler hat───圆顶高帽,圆顶硬礼帽

5、for fear that───生怕,唯恐;以免;以防万一

6、like that───类似的,就像那样的

7、how's that───你怎么看;怎么样;那是怎么一回事;怎麽会

8、other than───除了;不同于

9、in order that───为了;以便




Roger是美军最常用的无线通话用语之一, Wiktionary 对Roger的解释是:Roger that is used by pilots and people like that not really a common thing to say but it basically means “I hear you” or “I understand you”

Copy that 也经常用于表示"收到",千万别以为是"把这个拷贝一下"的意思,那就闹笑话了。

基本上两者意思都差不多,严格一点来说:Roger that 表示“收到”的意思, 而"Copy that"更突出收到了并且会照着对方的意思去执行的意思。


A: balabala,did you copy?或者直接来一句copy?B: Copy that.我们日常会话,则随意很多, 要表示"收到"可以用"Got it", "Got","OK"等等。


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