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wait on中文翻译,wait on是什么意思,wait on发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

wait on中文翻译,wait on是什么意思,wait on发音、用法及例句

1、wait on

wait on发音

英:  美:

wait on中文意思翻译



<正>拜访; 等待; <非正>稍候; 招待(顾客)

wait on双语使用场景

1、Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.───21愿纯全正直保守我, 因为我等候你.

2、Please wait on, will you ? I'm just coming!───请稍等片刻好 吗 ?我就来!

3、We wait on your reply to our letter.───我们等着你们的回信.

4、Be sure of this and just wait on Him.───确信这一点,只要等候他.

5、They wait on you very well in this restaurant.───这个餐馆很好地招待你.

6、Wait on, will you ? I'm just coming!───请等我一下, 好 吗 ?我马上就来!

7、KJV Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.───[新译]愿纯全和正直保护我, 因为我等候你.

8、DB2 does not wait on the fetch operation.───DB 2并不在获取操作中等待。

9、There were plenty of servants to wait on her.───有很多仆人服侍她。

10、They all wait on the king.───他们都侍奉国王.

11、Don't expect anybody to wait on your hand and foot.───别指望有人来伺候你.

12、God provides strength for those who wait on response.───上帝会赐力量给那些等待祂的人.

13、There were plenty of servants to wait on her.───有许多佣人服侍她。

14、There will be strong wind, we have to wait on weather.───有强风, 必须等候天气好转.

15、There are plenty of other candidates so we'll wait on that one.───候选人太多了,所以我们仍然在等待中.

16、Is there anyone here to wait on us?───这儿有人招待我们 吗 ?

17、She looked around for a salesman to wait on her.───她环顾四周,找售货员接待她.

wait on相似词语短语

1、waits in───在家等待


3、waits on───服侍;焦急地等待

4、wait out───等到…结束


6、wait upon───侍候;服侍

7、act on───对…起作用;按照…行事

8、waited on───服侍;焦急地等待

9、wait in───在家等待

2、wait for和wait on的区别?


其次,wait for 和wait on 的意思用法不同。

wait for 意为“等待,等候”,这是指一直待在某个地方或者推迟做什么事情直到某人来或者某事发生。如:He stays at the railway station and waits for her aunt to come.

wait on 表示“等待”时,是指等待…(才采取行动或作出决定),侧重点不同。

比如:She is waiting on the result of a blood test. 她在等验血结果。

wait on sb. 还有一个单独的意思是指“伺候,服侍,招待(尤指进餐)某人”。

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