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终点线英语(finishing lines中文翻译,finishing lines是什么意思,finishing lines发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

终点线英语(finishing lines中文翻译,finishing lines是什么意思,finishing lines发音、用法及例句)

1、finishing lines

finishing lines发音

英:  美:

finishing lines中文意思翻译

n.精整作业线,终点线( finishing line的名词复数 )


finishing lines双语使用场景

1、Wood furniture production line of paint finishing lines.───木家具生产线之油漆涂饰线.

2、In some rolling and finishing lines, the expected design requirements can not obtained due to unreasonable choice of the equipments and mistaken calculation.───在轧制和精整生产线设计时,往往由于设备选择的不合理、计算上的错误,使生产线达不到预想的要求。

3、I then erased those extra lines before finishing the painting.───完成作品前,我再把它们擦掉。

4、lot of emotional lines from the LAVENDER script actually helped me a lot in writing and finishing TRUE LOVE.───很多非常诗意非常有感情的台词,它们对我这首歌词的写作起了很大作用。

finishing lines相似词语短语

1、finish line───终点线,终航线

2、washing lines───晾衣绳

3、fishing line───钓丝,钓鱼线

4、finish lines───终点线,终航线

5、dividing lines───分界线

6、firing lines───作战最前线,射击线

7、finishing line───(赛跑的)终点线

8、fishing lines───钓丝,钓鱼线

9、finishing with───完成,结束;与…断绝关系


the perfect blossom is a rere thing,you could spend your life looking for one,and it will not be a wasted life.

who sent those men to kill you ?

I am writing a poem about a dream i had,the tiger`s eyes are like my own.but he comes from across a deep and troubled sea.

was it the Emperor? omura?

If the Emperor wishs my death,he has but to ask.

so it was omura.

I`m having trouble finishing the poem.can you suggest a last line?

I am not a writer.

Yet you have written many pages since you came here.

What else has she told you?

You have nightmares.

Every soldier has nightmares.

Only one who is ashamed of what he has done.

You have no idea what i have done.

you have seen manythings,

yes i have

and you do not fear death ,but sometimes you wish for it.

is this not so? yes

i also,it just happens to men who have seen what we have seen.and then I come to this place of my ancestors.I remember,like these blossoms,we are all dying.to konw life in every breath,every cuple of tea,every life we take.the way of warrior.

life in every breath,

that`s ぶしどう(bushido)


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