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mechanical properties中文翻译,mechanical properties是什么意思,mechanical properties发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

mechanical properties中文翻译,mechanical properties是什么意思,mechanical properties发音、用法及例句

mechanical properties

mechanical properties发音

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mechanical properties中文意思翻译




mechanical properties双语使用场景

1、It is ironing coefficient to influence anisotropy of mechanical properties.───指出了主要影响机械性能各向异性变化的是变薄系数.

2、The Tension leveller is used to improve strip shape and mechanical properties.───本机组采用拉伸弯曲矫直机的主要用途是改善镀锌带材板形及机械性能.

3、The key point which influences mechanical properties is cleanness of steel.───因此,钢的洁净度是影响钢性能的关键因素.

4、Propellant binders based on these materials have excellent mechanical properties and good performance.───用这些材料制成的推进粘结剂的工作性能很好,而机械性能则更为突出.

5、The Mechanical properties of glass fiber filament yarn stressunder a cyclic load.───本文对玻璃纤维长丝纱的机械性能做了较全面的讨论.

6、The structure and dynamic mechanical properties are investigated via SEM, DMA, etc.───利用SEM 、 DMA等, 研究了该材料的结构和动态力学性能等.

7、Which one has the superior mechanical properties? The plywood. Why?───哪一个的力学属性更好,胶合板的,为什么?

8、mechanical properties of titanium foams made this way closely approach those of the human bone," said Quadbeck.───杉木中伐材的物理力学性能不如天然林中伐材。

9、Principal mechanical properties of metallic fiber include tensile strength and stiffness.───金属纤维的主要力学性能指标是抗拉强度和韧性.

10、The effect of flaking on mechanical properties of wheel steel was investigated.───研究了车轮钢中白点对力学性能的影响.

11、Conclusions The F - releasing may affect physical and mechanical properties of fluoride - containing composites.───结论复合树脂释氟可能会对材料的物理机械性能有一定影响.

12、As for the weak interface of layers, mechanical properties were not high.───由于层间为弱结合界面, 所以试样的力学性能不高.

13、The microstructures, mechanical properties and fracture mechanism were investigated.───研究了复合材料的微观组织 、 力学性能及断裂机理.

14、It is an advanced method to study surface nano - mechanical properties.───这是一项先进的表面力学性能的测试方法.

15、Field of study: Surface engineering, Relationship between material microstructures and mechanical properties.───研究方向: 表面工程, 材料微观结构与力学性能之间的关系.

16、Crosslinked polypropylene ( PP ) possesses excellent mechanical properties and thermal property.───交联 聚丙烯 具有优异的机械性能和热性能.

17、The mechanical properties, dehydration ratio and swelling ratio are determined.───测试了共混膜的力学性能 、 脱水率和溶胀度.

mechanical properties相似词语短语

1、mechanical testing───机械试验法

2、mechanical impedances───[力]机械阻抗

3、mechanical pencil───自动铅笔

4、personal properties───[经]动产;私人财产

5、mechanical diggers───机铲;挖掘机

6、mechanical shovels───机铲

7、mechanical pencils───自动铅笔


结构面力学性质转变(change of mechanical properties of a structural plane)是指同一结构面力学性质先后发生变化的现象。一个构造体系在它形成过程中和形成以后,都经历了复杂的演化,致使结构面力学性质常常发生变化。结构面力学性质变化有两种情形,且两个概念彼此是有区别的。

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