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by the river中文翻译,by the river是什么意思,by the river发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

by the river中文翻译,by the river是什么意思,by the river发音、用法及例句

by the river

by the river发音

英:  美:

by the river中文意思翻译



by the river双语使用场景

1、The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in.───孩子们在河边玩耍时,其中一个突然落水了。

2、I went for long, contemplative walks by the river.───我沿着河走了很久,默默沉思着。

3、We had a stroll by the river before dawn.───天亮之前,我们沿河边散步.

4、Flood water covered the fields by the river.───洪水淹没了河边的田地.

5、The heavy rain caused floods in the houses by the river.───这场大雨下得河边的房子里都进了水.

6、We enjoyed a day's fishing by the river.───我们在河边享受了一天垂钓之乐。

7、My uncle lived in a small cottage by the river.───我叔叔住在河边一间小农舍里.

8、Gnats and mosquitoes infested the field by the river.───小昆虫和蚊子群集于河边的田野里.

9、The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side.───人们发现那辆损坏的自行车被扔在河边.

10、The premises of Chabert and Sons were situated by the river and, by coincidence, not too far away from where Eric Talbot had met his death.───查伯特父子公司的经营场所位于河边,碰巧的是,那儿离埃里克·塔尔博特身亡的地方不太远。

11、The house stands hard by the river.───这所房子坐落在河边.

12、a house by the river───河边的一所房子

13、The valley bottomed out by the river.───山谷地势渐低直到河边.

14、The pair of swans nested by the river.───这对天鹅栖息在河边.

15、One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river.───一天,一只小猴子在河边的一棵高大的树上玩.

16、Don't play by the river in case you fall in and drown!───不要在河边玩耍,以免你掉到河里淹死.

17、He brought the plane down in a hay - meadow by the river.───他把飞机降落在河边的干草地上.

by the river相似词语短语

1、by the bye───顺便说到,顺便提起;附带地

2、by the numbers───系统地;按常规地

3、up the river───adv.在狱中

4、by the dozen───成打地;按打计算

5、the river───河畔迷影(歌曲名)

6、by the lee───由李

7、pay the piper───承担后果;承担费用



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