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national flag中文翻译,national flag是什么意思,national flag发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

national flag中文翻译,national flag是什么意思,national flag发音、用法及例句

national flag

national flag发音

英:  美:

national flag中文意思翻译



national flag双语使用场景

1、They ran up the national flag.───他们升起了国旗.

2、Let us drape this picture of our leader in the national flag.───用国旗装饰这幅领袖画像吧!

3、He waved to everyone on Earth and showed the Chinese national flag.───他向地面上的人们挥手示意,并展示了中国国旗.

4、The national flag of Italy was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte.───意大利的国旗是由拿破仑设计的.

5、The Union Jack is adopted as the national flag of Great Britain.───1606年的今天,“米字旗”被采用成为大不列颠的国旗.

6、They run the national flag up in the morning.───他们早晨升国旗.

7、The British national flag is red, white, and blue.───英国国旗是红 、 白 、 蓝三色.

8、They hoist the national flag at six o'clock every morning.───他们每天早晨六点钟升旗.

9、They ran up their national flag.───他们升起了国旗。

10、He was covered with a national flag with his face exposed.───一面国旗盖在他身上,脸露在外面.

11、Can you see the national flag over Kennedy Airport in New York?───你能看见纽约肯尼迪机场上空的国旗 吗 ?

12、The national flag is billowing in the breeze.───国旗在微风中飘扬.

13、Make a Chinese national flag.───做一个中国国旗。

14、We ran up our national flag on festival days.───每逢节日,我们升起国旗.

15、Our national flag is not only beautiful also meaningful.───我们的国旗不仅美丽而且有意义.

16、Maple Leaf Flag is the Canada's national flag.───枫叶旗是加拿大的国旗。

17、People fly the national flag from almost every public building.───几乎每座公共建筑都有国旗飘扬.

18、National flag: Green, white, red tricolor vertical grain flag.───国旗: 绿 、 白 、 红三色竖纹旗.

national flag相似词语短语

1、national squad───国家队

2、national bank───国家银行;国民银行

3、national debt───国债

4、national code───国家编码(外贸术语)

5、national grid───n.全国高压输电线网

6、national flags───n.国旗

7、national epic───民族史诗


国旗 national flag

国徽 national emblem

国歌 national anthem

国花 national flower

国石 national stone

雏菊 daisy

珊瑚 coral

《马梅利之歌》 song of Mamayry

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