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softrock(soft rock中文翻译,soft rock是什么意思,soft rock发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

softrock(soft rock中文翻译,soft rock是什么意思,soft rock发音、用法及例句)

soft rock

soft rock发音

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soft rock中文意思翻译




soft rock双语使用场景

1、The technology of bolt - grouting support is a new kind of supporting technique in soft rock tunnels.───锚注支护技术是一种软岩支护新技术.

2、Firstly, the physical and mechanical properties of Shapotou soft rock are detailedly analysed in this paper.───首先,本文对沙坡头坝基软岩的物理力学特性进行了详细的分析。

3、Deep grooves channelled the soft rock.───在软岩石上形成许多深槽.

4、Support must be satisfied with the large and nonlinear deformation of high stress soft rock.───高应力软岩巷道属非线性大变形问题,巷道支护必须满足其变形要求.

5、Do you like ballads or soft rock music?───你喜欢听抒情歌曲还是抒情摇滚乐?

6、This will provide the theroy basis for optimizing design of the pile socketed in soft rock.───为软岩嵌岩桩的优化设计提供必要的理论依据.

7、Limestone is a kind of soft rock that dissolves easily.───石灰岩是非常容易溶解的软岩石。

8、The effect of soil and soft rock slope vegetation engineering is described.───论述了土质、软岩边坡植被工程的作用.

9、The construction method of large airbridge in soft rock is presented in this paper.───阐述了软岩中大断面风桥的施工方法.

10、It is easily collapsed for shallow and unsymmetrical large - span tunnel near portal in soft rock.───软岩地区浅埋偏压大 跨度 隧道进口段极易塌方.

11、The burst of soft rock is studied by program ANSYS.───ANSYS程序分析了权台煤矿软岩冲击矿压.

12、It is very difficult to support the coalmine soft - rock tunnel.───煤矿软岩巷道是很难支护的巷道,其支护问题一直困扰着煤矿的生产和建设.

13、The extreme soft rock laneway have the characteristic of continuous plastical deformation destroying.───极软岩巷道具有持续塑性变形破坏工程特征,单一支护方式难以控制.

14、Presents the method of supporting soft rock drifts by releasing pressure with a guided roadway.───介绍了导巷卸压支护软岩巷道的方法.

15、The characteristic of the white - sand rock is between the hard soil and soft rock.───白砂岩的性状是介于硬土与软岩之间,被扰动后呈松散状.

16、Conclusion shows that the rheological characteristics of soft rock is a marked factor to tunnel stability.───结论表明软岩流变性对隧道稳定性的影响显著.

17、In fact, disintegration is a process of soft rock's dehydration, absorbing water and expansion.───崩解、泥化实际上是岩体失水—吸水—膨胀的过程, 水在这个过程中起着关键性的作用.

18、This paper introduces the application about anchor cable jetting combined supporting in broken soft rock drift.───重点介绍了锚索喷注联合支护在碎胀软岩巷道掘进中的应用.

soft rock相似词语短语

1、soft irons───[材]软铁;熟铁

2、soft roes───软鱼卵

3、soft drink───n.软饮料;不含酒精的饮料

4、soft rocks───比较轻柔的摇滚乐;软岩石

5、soft tick───软滴答声

6、soft roe───软鱼子

7、soft focus───[摄]软焦点

8、soft foci───软焦点

9、soft rot───软腐病


将单轴饱和抗压强度大于60兆帕的岩石称“坚硬岩”,3060兆帕的称“较坚硬岩”,小于30兆帕的称“软岩”。 全面划分的标准,除了根据岩石抗压强度指标外,还应考虑岩石的成因、岩性、产状、裂隙发育程度和风化程度等一系列自然因素的影响。


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