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phone number中文翻译,phone number是什么意思,phone number发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

phone number中文翻译,phone number是什么意思,phone number发音、用法及例句

phone number

phone number发音

英:[ˈfəʊn nʌmbər]  美:[ˈfəʊn nʌmbə(r)]

英:  美:

phone number中文意思翻译



phone number双语使用场景

1、Please leave your current address and phone number so we may contact you.───请留下详细的地址与电话,以便我们联系您.

2、"Did he leave a phone number?" — "Oh, yes." She copied it out for him.───“他留电话号码了吗?”——“嗯,留了。”她将号码给他抄了下来。

3、I can't give you his home number . Please call his cell phone number.───我不能把他的家庭电话给你. 请打他的手机吧.

4、My name is David William , and my phone number is 1234567.───我是大卫·威廉, 电话号码是123-4567.

5、Mark your luggage with your name, address and phone number.───在行李上留下您的名字 、 地址和电话号码.

6、I think it a phone number.───我认为是电话号码.

7、Do you have an address and phone number for him?───你有他的地址和电话号码么?

8、My phone number is 266998.───我的电话号码是266998。

9、Beatrice : Well , why don't you call Michelle? She has his phone number.───你为何不打给米歇尔 呢 ?她有他的电话.

10、It would be your social security number, your address, phone number, bank number, American Express, everything.───它既是你的社会安全号, 又能代表你的地址 、 电话号码 、 银行账号 、 美国运通卡卡号, 所有的一切.

11、Would you like to redial, cancel, or try a different phone number?───是否想重拨 、 取消或试拨其它号码?

12、The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products.───有一段时间,公司把电话号码印在产品上。

13、She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.───她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。

14、Operator, please tell me your name , address, and your phone number, too.───接线员:请告诉您的名字 、 事发地址以及您的电话号码.

15、Correspondence Address , Phone Number, Member's Principal Nature of Business, etc.───通讯处 、 电话号码 、 会员主要业务等.

16、How often do you give your phone number out?───你经常把自己的电话告诉别人吗?

17、Ollie W 919 mobile phone manufacturers and phone number?───奥利W919手机的生产厂家及电话号码?

18、I left my phone number with several people.───我把我的电话号码留给了几个人。

19、Can you write down your phone number on this piece of paper?───你可以在这张纸上写下你的电话号码 吗 ?

20、May I have your name and phone number, please ?───请告诉我您的大名以及电话好 吗 ?

21、Are you sure you have the correct phone number?───你确定你手上的电话号码正确 吗 ?

22、Hold on the phone for a second. Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.───别挂电话, 让我找支笔记下你的电话号码.

23、I stumbled across your phone number in my phone book and thought I would call you.───我在我的电话本中无意间看见你的电话号码,然后就想打电话给你.

24、You can look out his phone number in the telephone directory.───你可以在电话簿中查出他的电话号码.

25、Please tell me his cell phone number.───请把他的手机号告诉我.

26、If you've checked the phone number here and it looks correct, click the Redial button reconnecting.───如果您已检查此处的电话号码并且该号码正确, 请单击“重拨”按钮重新连接.

27、Can you leave your phone number?───请留一下电话号码好 吗 ?

28、I'll give you my address and phone number.───我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。

29、Thank you And I need some more information. I have your name and phone number?───谢谢.我还需要您的一些信息. 请问您的姓名和电话?

30、I left my phone number with several people.───我把电话号码留给了几个人。

phone number相似词语短语

1、whole number───整数

2、huge number───大量

3、phone user───电话用户

4、phone numbers───电话号码

5、telephone number───n.电话号码

6、whole numbers───[数]整数

7、prime number───[数]素数

8、house number───门牌号

9、code number───代码,编号;代号;地区代码



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