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bottomline(bottom line中文翻译,bottom line是什么意思,bottom line发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

bottomline(bottom line中文翻译,bottom line是什么意思,bottom line发音、用法及例句)

1、bottom line

bottom line发音

英:  美:

bottom line中文意思翻译




bottom line双语使用场景

1、This is our bottom line.───这是我们的底线.

2、But critics say that SRI misses the point: the bottom line.───不过,批评家说,社会责任投资并未抓住要害 —— 帐本底线.

3、The bottom line is that it's not profitable.───最重要的是这无利可图。

4、Once touch certain bottom line, future was not predicted.───一旦触动某些底线, 前程未卜.

5、The bottom line: To put in more fuel, to put in more air.───为了使引擎有效工作,当注入更多燃料, 至少要吸入更多空气.

6、The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today.───底线是,我们今天必须作出决定。

7、This model enables voters to see how these tax plans will impact their personal bottom line.───这个软件模型能让选民们了解这两种税收计划下,他们个人帐本底线将受到的影响.

8、My money people tell me this is our bottom line.───财务人员告诉我这是底价.

9、Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check.───如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名.

10、The bottom line is that it's not profitable.───最重要的一点是它无利可图。

11、The bottom line is that we ( should ) never give up.───最重要的是我们决不放弃.

12、The bottom line , however, is that he has escaped.───然而, 结果是他已经逃脱了.

13、Bottom line? Aerobic metabolism utilizes both fat and glucose as energy sources.───底线? 有氧代谢使用二种能源,脂肪和葡萄糖.

14、These factors help the bottom line of corporations.───这些因素有助于增加企业的净利.

15、These small promotions were costly and they did nothing to increase his bottom line.───这些小规模的促销活动成本很高,而且对增加他的最终效益没什么贡献。

16、But the bottom line is yes, he could be considered for Sunday. The same Pepe Reina.───但底线是,是的, 他可以被考虑在周日的名单中, 这同样适用于佩佩.

17、But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.───但是,在社会的各个领域,诚实是真正的底线.

18、The bottom line then is simple.───底线是简单明了的.

19、Wastefulness does not just affect a company's bottom line, it creates environmental concerns, the report says.───报告还表明浪费不仅影响到公司的基本运营, 还会带来环境方面的问题.

20、The bottom line is: Its your choice how you live life.───说到底: 如何生活是你自己的选择. ”

21、Bottom line: Pacquiao is very hard to time and almost impossible to predict.───说到底,帕 奎 奥极难被逮着,而且几乎无法被预判.

22、She says £95,000 is her bottom line.───她说95,000英镑是她的底线。

23、The bottom line, he said, is that altruism may rely on a basic understanding that others hae motiations and actions that may be similar to our own.───他说, 底线是利他主义可能是基于这样的基本认识:别人也有和我们自己近似的动机和行为.

24、Let me tell you the bottom line.───让我告诉你最终结果.

25、Valve should be installed at the end pumping water in the bottom line.───底阀应安装在水泵吸水管路的底端.

26、The bottom line is that you need to be aware of the possibility of a layoff.───底线是,你需要意识到有被解雇的可能性.

27、She says $95,000 is her bottom line.───她说$95000是她的底线。

28、The bottom line has always been culture.───根本原因要归咎于文化差异.

29、That is my bottom line!───这是我的底线.

bottom line相似词语短语

1、bottom ice───底冰


3、bottom times───水下工作时间;滞留时间

4、bottom lines───结果;概要;账本底线;关键

5、bottom lands───[机]齿槽底面;低洼地;冲积物

6、bottom time───水下工作时间;滞留时间

7、bottom lip───下唇


9、bottom land───[机]齿槽底面;低洼地;冲积物


LINE IN的意思是:输入;音频输入

LINE 读法 英 [laɪn] 美 [laɪn]




1、bottom line 结果;概要;帐本底线

2、by line 精确地,准确地,正确地 [亦作 by line and level]

3、main line 干线;[俚]大静脉

4、assembly line 装配线;流水作业线

5、down the line adv. 完全地;沿着街道 , adj. 彻底的




2、line作“行”解时是单位词,其后常可接“of+ n. ”, of后的名词如是不可数名词表示复数意义时, line用复数形式;of后的名词如是可数名词,用于复数意义时,line和该名词均用复数形式。line还可作“赤道”解,其前须加定冠词the。


rope, thread, string, line, cord这组词都有“线”的意思,其区别是:

1、rope 指用于捆绑大物件的粗壮而坚固的绳子,一般用绵、毛、麻、金属或其它材料制成。

2、thread 普通用词,指用棉、毛、丝或纤维等纹成的很细的线,通常用于缝纫、纺织等。

3、string 普通用词,指捆绑小件物品的细绳或细带子。

4、line 普通用词,含义广泛,指任何一种线,常作引申用。

5、cord 指比string粗,比rope细,较牢固,通常用于捆扎较小物品的线或绳。用作引申当约束讲。

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