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date back中文翻译,date back是什么意思,date back发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

date back中文翻译,date back是什么意思,date back发音、用法及例句

date back

date back发音

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date back中文意思翻译



date back双语使用场景

1、The community, whose links with Syria date back to biblical times, is mainly elderly.───这个村落与叙利亚的关联可以追溯到圣经时代,其中大部分是上了年纪的人。

2、Wiktionary tells us that the origin of the expression "no strings attached" may date back to ancient times.───维基词典指出,“无附加条件”这一说法的起源可以追溯到古代。

3、These plant fossils date back to the age of the dinosaurs.───这些植物化石可追溯至恐龙时代.

4、Dogs can date back to the Stone Age.───狗可以追溯到石器时代.

5、The history of humanity may date back to the Ice Age.───人类历史可以追溯到冰川时代.

6、Official snowfall record from records for Washington date back to 1884.───华盛顿官方的降雪量纪录可以追溯到1884年.

7、Graffiti, soccer hooliganism, and street brawling all date back decades.───涂鸦、足球流氓和街头闹事都可追溯到几十年前。

8、What time can the marathon date back to?───马拉松可以追溯到何时?

9、The oldest deposits in the cave date back to 120,000 years ago.───这个山洞最早有人居住的日期大概是12万年前.

10、They see themselves as following traditions that date back thousands of years.───他们把自己视作追随超过千年传统.

11、Offical snow fall Official snowfall records for Washington date back to 1884.───官方的华盛顿降雪记录从1884年开始.

12、My family has a vase, which is said to date back to Ming Dynasty.───我家有个花瓶, 据说是从明代传下来的.

13、The history of hockey can date back to thousands ago.───曲棍球的历史可以追溯到数千年前.

14、Official snowfall records for Washington date back to 1884.───华盛顿官方降雪记录可追溯到1884年.

15、Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907.───匈牙利立法中有关工业设计的保护可以追溯到1907年.

16、Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century.───牛津和剑桥的历史可追溯到十三世纪.

17、After installed app, you can change date back to current date.───在安装应用程序, 您可以变更追溯到当前日期.

18、The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.───这个团体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。

date back相似词语短语

1、die back───枝叶枯萎;萎缩;模孔出口角;枯死

2、came back───回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行

3、dash back───冲回;飞奔回

4、water back───贮水器;加热水池

5、dates back───追溯到;回溯至

6、dated back───追溯到;回溯至

7、bite back───咬回;急忙收回要说的话;抑制


date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有)



This kind of music dates from the 18th century.


The church dates back to 1173.


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