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seem to be中文翻译,seem to be是什么意思,seem to be发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

seem to be中文翻译,seem to be是什么意思,seem to be发音、用法及例句

seem to be

seem to be发音

英:  美:

seem to be中文意思翻译



seem to be双语使用场景

1、History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.───史书似乎常带有一种不真实的味道.

2、Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible.───他们的想法貌似更务实也更合理。

3、We seem to be light on fuel.───我们好像燃料不多了。

4、The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.───孩子们好像完全不能独自做事。

5、The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.───钢琴和小提琴好像不合调.

6、Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost.───对不起,我好像有点听不明白了。

7、You seem to be holding something back.───你好像在隐瞒什么。

8、You certainly seem to be in deep water.───你看起来无疑是陷入了困境。

9、Daydreams may seem to be rehearsals for real-life situations.───白日梦可能像是真实情景的预演。

10、The new students seem to be shaping up quite nicely.───新生们看来表现得相当不错.

11、Things seem to be going from bad to worse nowadays.───情况似乎越来越糟了.

12、Most people seem to be petrified of snakes.───好像很多人都怕蛇。

13、Women seem to be able to multitask better than men.───女性似乎比男性更擅长同时做数件事情。

14、The children always seem to be hungry.───孩子们永远都好像肚子饿。

15、The kids seem to be guzzling soft drinks all day.───孩子们似乎整天都在猛喝汽水。

16、You seem to be holding something back.───你好像隐瞒了点什么。

17、Managers seem to be spending millions just for the hell of it.───经理们似乎只为了寻个乐子就动辄花上几百万。

18、You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions.───你似乎存在相当大的误解。

seem to be相似词语短语

1、see to───注意;负责;照料

2、sees to───注意;负责;照料

3、seen to───注意;负责;照料

4、put to bed───安顿…去睡

5、neem trees───尼姆树

6、neem tree───尼姆树

7、have to be───必定是,无疑是

8、see eye to eye───看法一致

9、go to bed───上床睡觉

结语:你知道“seem to be”中的“to be”何时可以省略吗,当seem后接形容词作表语时,如果谈的是客观事实,即看上去肯定是真实的东西,Seem to Be,Seem to Be (RAW JAW Remix) Julian Drebin、Emilee 高品质无损音乐免费在线试听,seem to be中的to be何时可以省略,seem to be中的to be何时可以省略 seem to be中的to be何时可以省略 后接形容词 时 当seem后接形容词作表语时,

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