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尤为重要(vitally important中文翻译,vitally important是什么意思,vitally important发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

尤为重要(vitally important中文翻译,vitally important是什么意思,vitally important发音、用法及例句)

vitally important

vitally important发音

英:  美:

vitally important中文意思翻译




vitally important双语使用场景

1、Early detection of cancers is vitally important.───癌症的早期查出是极为重要的。

2、Fretting resistant & long - life servomotor bearings are utilised where precise motion control is vitally important.───抗磨损( 或 长寿命)伺服电机轴承通常用于对运行的精确控制有着至高要求的场所.

3、It is vitally important to switch off the electricity before attempting to repair the television.───在准备修理电视机之前先切断电源是至关重要的.

4、It is vitally important to cancel the order immediately.───马上取消这批订货是至关重要的.

5、But what vitally important is that the money is spent well and honestly.───但是极为重要的是,钱被花的十分有条理而且相当公正.

6、Both sides are committed to pushing forward this vitally important relationship between our two countries.───双方都承诺致力于推进两国间这一至关重要的关系.

7、Education is vitally important for the country's future.───教育对国家的未来是至关重要的。

8、This is vitally important.───这至关重要.

9、As with any relationship in the entertainment industries, who you know is vitally important.───在娱乐产业的人际关系中, 认识一些怎样的人是非常重要的.

10、The context occupies a vitally important role in communication.───语境是交际过程中十分重要的角色.

11、These freedoms are vitally important.───这些自由是极其重要的.

12、Material flow considerations are vitally important for both foam and solid mouldings.───考虑材料流动对发泡成型和固体成型,都非常重要.

13、It's vitally important for that, like a Trojana living room to provide that to consumers.───这是极端重要的, 提供给消费者的就好像是一部家庭万能装置.

14、Removing regional hot spots is vitally important to regional and global security.───消除地区热点,对于促进地区和世界安全至关重要.

15、HERMES believes that the customers'needs are vitally important.───HERMES坚信顾客的需求是至关重要的.

16、The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.───抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的.

17、Lesley's career in the church is vitally important to her.───莱斯莉在教堂的工作经历对她来说至关重要。

18、Lesley's career in the church is vitally important to her.───莱斯利的教会生涯对于她而言至关重要。

vitally important相似词语短语

1、terribly important───非常重要

2、vital importance───至关重要

3、particularly important───尤为重要;特别重要


5、virtually impossible───根本不可能;几乎不可能

6、parallel importing───平行输入

7、relatively unimportant───相对不重要

8、hugely important───非常重要

9、equally important───同样重要

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