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sense and sensibility中文翻译,sense and sensibility是什么意思,sense and sensibility发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

sense and sensibility中文翻译,sense and sensibility是什么意思,sense and sensibility发音、用法及例句

sense and sensibility

sense and sensibility发音

英:  美:

sense and sensibility中文意思翻译




sense and sensibility双语使用场景

1、Design is a category that combines sense and sensibility, art and technology.───设计本身是理性与感性, 艺术与技术高度结合的门类.

2、Sense and Sensibility was released in early 1996 in time in the year's Academy Award nominations.───《理智与情感》于1996年初发行,正赶上当年**艺术科学院奖的提名.

3、Now he was a star, placing himself in classy productions like Sirens, Restoration, and Sense And Sensibility.───格兰特成了明星,得以在优秀影片《夺命警报》 、 《浮华暂借问》和《理智与情感》等片中扮演角色.

4、From this table the revised manuscripts of Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice went to London to be published in 1811 and 1813.───在这张桌子上,《理智与情感》和《傲慢与偏见》的修订稿被送往了伦敦,分别在1811年和1813年出版。

5、Sense and Sensibility is on at Guotai Theatre.───《理智与情感》正在国泰**院上映.

6、May: I like it too. But Sense and Sensibility is my favorite.───阿美: 我也非常喜欢那本书, 但是《理智与情感》才是我的最爱.

7、Maybe men is born to be torn between sense and sensibility.───我能做的就是尽可能的保持理智而已.

8、Jane entitled her maiden work Sense and Sensibility.───简把她的处女作定名为《理智与情感》.

9、Best Picture nominees from Sony include: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," "Sense and Sensibility," and "the Shawshank Redemption."───索尼公司出品的被提名为最佳影片包括:《卧虎藏龙》《理智与情感》和《肖申克的救赎》。

10、Sensibility and sense are sister and brother.───感性与理性就像兄妹。

11、It is the technology and art combined , the combination of Sense and Sensibility.───它是技术与艺术的融会,理性与感性的结合.

sense and sensibility相似词语短语

1、share the responsibility───分担责任



4、face a possibility───面临可能性

5、feel a responsibility───感到有责任感



8、deny responsibility───否认责任

9、raise a possibility───提出可能性


sense and sensibility 理智与情感

sense 理智

sensibility 情感


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