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local currency中文翻译,local currency是什么意思,local currency发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

local currency中文翻译,local currency是什么意思,local currency发音、用法及例句

1、local currency

local currency发音

英:  美:

local currency中文意思翻译



local currency双语使用场景

1、I want to exchange some american dollars into local currency.───我想把一些美元兑换成当地货币.

2、Many countries charge departure tax in U.S. dollars rather than local currency.───许多国家在征收离境税时收取美元而不是本国货币。

3、All prices are in local currency Hong Kong Dollar ( HKD ).───所有价格会以本地货币港元计算.

4、You would then need to pay one half the total invoice in local currency.───这样您需要以当地货币付总发票金额的一半.

5、In addition, the local currency clearing operations for commercial banks to bring good economic benefits.───此外, 本币结算业务也为商业银行带来了良好的经济效益.

6、You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.───你将需要一些当地的货币现金,但也可使用信用卡。

7、In local - currency terms, the return was merely 4.3 %.───而按照本币计算, 这一回报率仅为4.3%.

8、The government limits foreign investment in local - currency securities to $ 10 billion.───政府限制国外投资在地方货币证券到$10十亿.

9、France and French Guiana as the local currency is the euro.───与法国本土相同法属圭亚那的货币是欧元.

10、I am sure you will need some cash in local currency.───我相信你会需要一些当地货币的现金.

11、You can change your sterling into the local currency at the airport.───你可以在机场把你的英镑兑换成当地的货币。

12、In indirect quotation, the rate is expressed in units of foreign currency to local currency prices.───在间接标价法下, 汇率是以外国货币来表示的单位本国货币的价格.

13、The tourist changed a traveler's cheque into local currency.───这名游客把旅行支票兑换成当地货币.

14、You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.───以本币银行汇票支付车款。

15、Local currency bank credit has risen 164 per cent this year.───今年,以本币计价的银行信贷增幅为164%.

16、We have enough local currency to exchange some money for you.───我有足够的当地钱,可以给您换一些.

17、Over the past 20 years, by contrast, the return was 7.8 % in dollar terms local - currency terms.───相比之下, 过去20年该指数按美元计算的年回报率为7.8%, 按本币计算的回报率为7.1%.

local currency相似词语短语

1、virtual currency───虚拟货币

2、legal currencies───[金融]法定货币

3、legal currency───[金融]法定货币

4、blocked currency───[金融]冻结货币

5、soft currency───软通货;软性货币

6、decimal currency───小通货;十进制通货

7、local agency───地方广告公司;当地代理,当地分理处

8、digital currency───数字货币

9、common currency───统一货币,共同货币


英文全称:log control function



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