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die with中文翻译,die with是什么意思,die with发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

die with中文翻译,die with是什么意思,die with发音、用法及例句

1、die with

die with发音

英:  美:

die with中文意思翻译



伴有…而死; 随着(某人的死)而丧失,消失

die with双语使用场景

1、The die with self - locking function changes quickly and easily.───模具更换快捷、方便并带自锁功能.

2、The robber said he would rather die with his boots on.───那个盗贼说,他宁可死于非命.

3、Please your Majesty, the doctors testified that none die with such symptoms but by poison.───敬禀陛下,医生证明说,除了中毒以外,没有人会死于这种症状。

4、The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity.───应该允许垂危病人死得有尊严。

5、He wanted to die with his family.───他只想和他的家人一起死去。

6、It is better to die with honor than to live in infamy.───宁可死于名誉中,也不要活在声名狼藉下.

7、With cunning deliberation, he formed live - and - die with each of six different soldiers.───经过一番周密慎重的考虑, 他同六个士兵分别结拜为“生死之交”.

8、Better die with honour than live with shame.───与其忍辱偷生,不如光荣而死.

9、It is better to die with honour than to live with shame.───光荣而死,好过含辱苟活.

10、And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines.───30说, 我情愿与非利士人同死.

11、I will die with a joyful heart.───我将含笑与世长辞.

12、My secret will die with me!───我的秘密将随我一起进入坟墓!

13、Kratos: This is your purpose! Die with honor.───奎托斯: 这是你的命! 带着荣耀而死!

14、I won't let him get me . I'll die with my boots on.───我不会束手就擒,我宁愿战死.

15、The hijacker said he preferred to die with his shoes on.───那劫匪说他宁可死于刀枪之下.

16、If Jyooshin is Heaven's kingdom, a king of that kingdom cannot die with heaven's sword.───如果Jusin的 上天赐予的王国, 那么这个王国的大王是不会死在上天的神剑之下的.

17、Their anger died; My secret will die with me!───他们的愤怒平息了; 我的秘密会随我平息!

18、I had determined at one time that the memory of these evils should die with me.───我曾横下心,要让记忆中的那些痛苦往事,随我一起埋葬入土.

die with相似词语短语

1、done with───完毕

2、alive with───充满着;洋溢着

3、does with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处

4、live with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居

5、did with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处

6、in with───同…友好相处

7、do with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处


1. die from 表示死于(枪)伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等。如: The engineer died from overwork. 这个工程师死于操劳过度。 The child died from weakness. 这个孩子因体质太虚弱而死了。

2. die of 表示死于疾病,饥饿,寒冷,年老等;死于忧愁,失恋等精神因素。如: The man died of lung-cancer(肺癌)。 这个人死于肺癌。 The beggar died of hunger and cold. 这个乞丐死于饥饿和寒冷。

3. die with 表示死于某种精神因素。(也可用 die of)如: The old woman died with anger (horror). 这个老妇人震怒致死。(惊恐致死) She died with grief (deep sorrow). 她悲伤致死。

4. die by 表示死于暴力等。如: The young girl died by her own hand. 这个年轻的女孩自杀而死。

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