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piggybank(piggy bank中文翻译,piggy bank是什么意思,piggy bank发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

piggybank(piggy bank中文翻译,piggy bank是什么意思,piggy bank发音、用法及例句)

piggy bank

piggy bank发音

英:[ˈpɪɡi bæŋk]  美:[ˈpɪɡi bæŋk]

英:  美:

piggy bank中文意思翻译


n.存钱罐; 扑满


piggy bank双语使用场景

1、Beijing's piggy bank is overflowing with money.───北京的小猪扑满里已经装满了钱.

2、Jack: So you are giving him a piggy bank.───杰克: 所以你要送他一个扑满.

3、The child shook his piggy bank to see if there were coins in it.───那小孩摇摇他的储蓄罐看看里面有没有硬币.

4、In the United States , the popular piggy bank has always been a symbol of saving money.───第八章?

5、it the piggy bank strategy.───这称为“存钱罐策略”。

6、If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate, you will have your trip money.───如果你把钱存到存钱罐里,然后每年把1434美元存到一个利率为1%的储蓄账户里,你就会有旅行资金了。

7、Sally went to her bedroom and pulled her piggy bank from its hiding place the closet.───萨莉走进她的卧室,然后把她的小猪储蓄罐从壁橱里原本藏它的地方取了出来.

8、You should take that money out of your piggy bank make a savings account.───你快把存钱罐里的钱拿出来到银行开个储蓄帐户吧.

9、Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college.───那是只小猪猪罐,里面有为你上学存的钱.

10、Mary's uncle gave her a quarter for piggy bank.───玛丽的叔父给了她一个两角五分的硬币,让她放进储钱罐里攒起来.

11、Happiness is like a piggy bank, put in it as much as you can.───幸福就像一个储蓄罐, 要尽你所能往里面投入幸福的分币.

12、Caption Arcade Piggy Bank : Remember when it cost just a quarter to play your favorite arcade games?───描述: 还记得花费两角五分钱玩一次你喜欢的街机游戏的时候 吗 ?

13、It is called a piggy bank.───它就是小猪银行.

14、If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.───如果你把钱放进储钱罐里,然后每年按税后1%的利率把1434美元存入储蓄账户,你就有了旅行的钱。

15、Mommy, if I put my money in the piggy bank, will I get rich?───妈咪, 如果我把钱放进储蓄罐里, 我会变富 吗 ?

16、This is the entire contents from my teenage mutant ninja turtle piggy bank.───这是我的忍者神龟储罐里的所有积蓄.

17、He gave his daughter a piggy bank.───他送给他女儿一只猪形储蓄罐.

18、Jack: Do you count the money in your piggy bank?───杰克: 你会数扑满里的钱 吗 ?

19、The girl takes out the piggy bank at home.───女孩在家,拿出储蓄罐.

20、This piggy bank is so much fun you won't wait to save.───这个储钱罐是多么的有趣,让你迫不及待地把钱存进去.

21、Franklin: Good. You check your piggy bank and I'll check mine.───好的, 你看看你的小猪存钱盒里有多少钱,我去看看我的.

piggy bank相似词语短语



3、fog bank───雾层;浓雾堤防;雾阵


5、doggy bags───n.打包袋



8、piggy banks───扑满;零钱罐,存钱罐

9、doggy bag───n.打包袋

piggy bank和in the walkman是什么意思?

猪猪·储蓄罐 行走的路人

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