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dendritic cells(dendritic cell中文翻译,dendritic cell是什么意思,dendritic cell发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

dendritic cells(dendritic cell中文翻译,dendritic cell是什么意思,dendritic cell发音、用法及例句)

dendritic cell

dendritic cell发音

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dendritic cell中文意思翻译



dendritic cell双语使用场景

1、Conversely, the tumors might mutate to " escape " the immune onslaught engendered by a dendritic cell vaccine.───反之, 肿瘤可能也会产生突变, 因而 躲过树突细胞疫苗引发的免疫攻击.

2、Dendritic cell - based tumor vaccines can induce tumor models protectitive antitumor immunity, and these inspire us.───树突状细胞瘤苗可诱导荷瘤动物的保护性抗肿瘤免疫应答反应, 这一发现使肿瘤治疗领域倍受鼓舞.

3、Follicular dendritic cell ( FDC ) tumor of the liver a recently recognized entity.───肝泸泡树枝状细胞肿瘤是最近认知的疾病.

4、Dendritic cell ( DC ) is the most powerful antigen - presenting cell in human body.───树突状细胞 ( DC ) 是人体内最强的抗原提呈细胞.

5、Dendritic cell ( DC ) is the most powerful professional antigen - presenting cell.───树突状细胞 ( DC ) 是具有最强抗原提呈能力的专职性抗原提呈细胞.

6、On the other hand pathogens developed numerous strategies to evade and subvert dendritic cell functions.───另一方面许多病原体制定战略,以规避和颠覆树突状细胞的功能.

7、Follicular dendritic cell ( FDC ) tumor of the liver is a recently recognized entity.───摘要肝泸泡树枝状细胞肿瘤是最近认知的疾病.

dendritic cell相似词语短语


2、death cell───死亡细胞

3、electrolytic cell───[冶][化工]电解槽;电解池


5、dendritic cells───树突细胞


7、dendritic agates───树枝状玛瑙


9、dendritic agate───枝状玛瑙


就是膳食纤维的缩写dietary fiber可分为可溶、不可溶两大类,也可按照来源划分

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