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all good中文翻译,all good是什么意思,all good发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

all good中文翻译,all good是什么意思,all good发音、用法及例句

all good

all good发音

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all good中文意思翻译



all good双语使用场景

1、They are all good boys with hearts of gold. They would never steal.───他们都是有着金子般心灵的好孩子,绝不会干偷摸扒窃之事。

2、Parents always tell their children that Santa Claus brings presents to all good children.───父母们总是告诉他们的孩子们,圣诞老人给那些好孩子们带来礼物.

3、" Think still again, " he said, " and do not act rashly. The best of God's gifts may be abused, and yet they are all good. ”───“ 再想一想吧, ” 他说, “ 不要鲁莽从事. 上帝恩赐的精华可能会被滥用, 可它们终究是好的. ”

4、We are all good friends ; why stand on ceremony?───都是自己人, 何必客气 呢 ?

5、He threw aside all good proposals.───他拒绝了所有好的建议.

6、They're all good and wonderful and dull as hell.───他们全是大好人,但就是叫人腻味得要死.

7、Charles Darnay -- As was natural -- Asked him , in all good - humour and good - fellowship, what he did mean?───查尔斯 - 达尔内自然要问他那是什么意思 —— 问时很快活, 也很亲切.

8、It's all good because we'll get Club Landon and Club Eric jumping now.───有什么不好呢,我们都可以跳跳舞.

9、Everybody has his own merits and demerits . One should never think that he is perfect while others are all good for nothing.───每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,不要把别人都看成百无一是,把自己看成十全十美.

10、The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad.───媒体会歪曲事实,将人说得不是完美无缺就是一无是处。

11、Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.───黄油、人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维生素D。

12、us all good to unbend sometimes.───有时放松一下对我们大家都有好处。

13、In a word , we'll provide you with all good service.───我们将为你们提供最好的服务.

14、good things go in threes," said she, "I am asked to stand godmother again."───好事成三呀,”她说,“又有人请我当教母了。”

15、All good garden centres carry a selection of climbers.───所有好的花卉中心都有不同的攀缘植物可供挑选。

16、They are all good payers.───他们都是规矩的缴租人.

17、You can obtain the product from all good chemists.───你可从各大药房买到这种产品。

18、He has the split - second timing all good players need.───他具有所有优秀运动员所需要的分秒不差地把握时机的本领.

all good相似词语短语

1、small goods───n.熟肉及熟肉制品

2、make good───成功;赔偿;补偿

3、all too───实在太…

4、awfully good───非常好

5、ball gown───舞会袍

6、all found───供给一切必需品

7、jolly good───非常好;好极了

8、all told───合计,总共

9、all round───周围,到处





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