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摄影师的英语(camera operator中文翻译,camera operator是什么意思,camera operator发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

摄影师的英语(camera operator中文翻译,camera operator是什么意思,camera operator发音、用法及例句)

1、camera operator

camera operator发音

英:  美:

camera operator中文意思翻译



camera operator双语使用场景

1、The camera operator that we've worked with three times has doubled his salary in every movie I've worked on with him.───有一位我们合作过三次的摄影师,他的薪资在此期间翻了两番。

2、The director shouted something to the camera operator and then went to speak to the two famous actors nearby.───导演喊一些摄像机操作者,然后去跟这两个著名的演员附近。

3、A member of a film production crew who adjusts sets and props and sometimes assists the camera operator.───剧组工作人员**摄制剧组中调整布景和道具并不时帮助摄影的工作人员

4、After about 20-minute deadlock, the deal failed. The camera operator went away, and never showed up again.───前后僵持了约20分钟,还是没谈成,摄像者走了,从此再没露面。

5、His crew were a crowd of female models in flesh-coloured lingerie; not the obvious costume for a camera operator, but there you are.───他的手下就是一群身着肉色内衣的女性模特,摄影师显然不会穿这种衣服,但你懂的。

6、Also "virtual camera operator" software, that will focus on who is speaking in video conferences.───还有“虚拟摄像师”软件会关注于谁正在视频会议中发言。

7、He gestures to the camera operator to focus on the television, where he is selecting various channels that are broadcasting some news about himself.───他正聚精会神的看着电视,选择几个播报关于他自己的新闻频道。

8、Filmmakers need steadicams to capture stable shots even when the camera operator is in motion.───即便是在运动中拍摄,摄影师也需要用稳定支架来拍出稳定的画面。

9、was also the initial investor, b-camera operator and second unit director for Hype!───也是该片的起始投资人,副摄像和第二摄制组的导演。

camera operator相似词语短语


2、coach operator───长途汽车接线员

3、radar operator───雷达操作员

4、crane operators───摄影升降机操作员;吊车司机

5、ham radio operators───无线电操作员

6、covert operation───秘密行动

7、crane operator───摄影升降机操作员;吊车司机

8、camera operators───摄影助理;摄影师

9、ham radio operator───无线电操作员



遗产 Eredità Ferramonti, L' (1976)

导 演: Mauro Bolognini

主 演:安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn Gregorio Ferramonti

Fabio Testi Mario Ferramonti

Dominique Sanda Irène Carelli in Ferramonti

Gigi Proietti Pippo Ferramonti

Adriana Asti Teta Ferramonti in Furlin

Paolo Bonacelli Paolo Furlin

Harald Bromley Andrea Barbati

Silvia Cerio signora Minnelli

Rossana Di Lorenzo Matilde

Rossella Rusconi Flaviana Barbati

Maria Russo Rosa Carelli

Simone Santo Armando Carelli

Carlo Palmucci (uncredited)

编剧 Sergio Bazzini

Roberto Bigazzi

Gaetano Carlo Chelli novel

Ugo Pirro

制片人 Gianni Hecht Lucari producer

原创音乐 Ennio Morricone

改编音乐摄像师 Ennio Guarnieri

**剪辑 Fima Noveck (US version)

Nino Baragli

协调剧组人员造型设计 Luigi Scaccianoce

艺术指导布景师 Bruno Cesari

服装设计 Gabriella Pescucci

化妆师 Giuseppe Capagrosso makeup artist

Agnese Panarotto hair stylist

Luciano Vito hair stylist

Massimo De Rossi makeup artist

制片主管助理导演 Gianfranco Giagni assistant director

Dino Squizzato assistant director

美术音效 Romano Checcacci sound mixer

特技师视觉特效师特技演员其他职员 Aldo Marchiori camera operator

Renato Ranieri camera operator

Maurizio Scanzani camera operator

Franco Tamponi conductor

上 映: 1976年10月21日

地 区: 意大利

时 长: 118 分钟

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