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blend with中文翻译,blend with是什么意思,blend with发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

blend with中文翻译,blend with是什么意思,blend with发音、用法及例句

blend with

blend with发音

英:  美:

blend with中文意思翻译




blend with双语使用场景

1、It can blend with wool, cotton and other synthetic fibers.───可与羊毛 、 棉及合成纤维混纺.

2、The red sofa did not blend with the purple wall.───这种红色沙发和紫色墙壁不调和.

3、Blend with 2 cups crushed ice until smooth . Pour into champagne flute . Garnish with strawberry . Serves two.───加碎冰果汁机混合入笛形香槟杯,饰草莓.

4、In combat the effects blend with skill effects and do not stick out anymore.───在战役中效果会根据技能效果的不同而改变不会雷同.

5、The rehabilitation works involve recontouring and extensive planting so as to blend with the surrounding hillsides.───复修工程包括修整地形、遍植树木,使石矿场与周围山峦景观融为一体.

6、And this will impel the education of science to blend with the education of humanities.───这一趋势将促使科学教育与人文教育的融合.

7、Oil does not blend with water.───油不融于水。

8、The drapes blend with the rug.───窗饰与小地毯很相配.

9、Miss Gray chooses voices that blend with each other for the singing group.───格雷小姐挑选嗓音互相和谐的人组成合唱队.

10、This flavor will blend with those in your dish; This sofa won't go with the chairs.───这种香料将会和你盘子里的东西混合; 沙发不应该与椅.

11、blend with better properties could be obtained by adding phenolic resin tin bichloride curative.───通过添加酚醛树脂二氯化锡固化剂可以获得性能更好的共混物。

12、People from various countries blend with each other here.───来自世界各地的人在此和睦相处.

13、Animals'protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings.───动物的保护色使它们能和环境融成一体而不被发现.

14、The argument to the effect is the color to blend with.───该效果的参数就是要用来混合的颜色。

15、I watched them blend with darkness of the street; they still sang.───我眼看着他们逐渐和街上的黑暗溶合, 他们仍然在唱.

16、Posed by the 48 stone steps, beams columns columns, ancient appearance, blend with nature.───由48块石阶构成, 石梁列柱, 古朴美观, 与自然融为一体.

17、This flavor will blend with those in your dish.───这种味道会和你菜里的其他味道相混的.

18、Most arctic foxes turn white in winter to blend with their snowy surroundings a brownish - blue coat.───大多数北极狐将在冬天变成白色,以适应周围的雪地环境.

blend with相似词语短语

1、blend well───调和得很好

2、blend into───融入...;与...融合

3、lands with───使背上包袱

4、held with───v.赞同;容忍

5、land with───使背上包袱

6、break with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

7、along with───沿(顺)着;连同……一起;与……一道;除了……

8、bear with───忍受;宽容

9、blend in───混合,加入;调和



vt. 混合

vi. 混合;协调

n. 混合;掺合物


The blend of traditional and modern styles is highly praised by the professor.



blend in混合,加入;调和

blend with与…混和

blend into融入...;与...融合

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