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green onions中文翻译,green onions是什么意思,green onions发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

green onions中文翻译,green onions是什么意思,green onions发音、用法及例句

green onions

green onions发音

英:  美:

green onions中文意思翻译


n.叶用葱( green onion的名词复数 )


green onions双语使用场景

1、We can put the scrambled egg to a dish and add the rest of the chopped green onions over the top of the scrambled eggs.───我们可以把炒蛋放到一个盘子里,把剩下的碎葱花放在炒蛋上。

2、Shad should be steamed, placed above mushrooms, ham, green onions, ginger, aroma and taste colors.───鲥鱼宜清蒸, 上面放置香菇 、 火腿片 、 大葱 、 生姜, 色香味俱全.

3、Green onions cut into 3 cm - long segment, ginger cut into thin slices.───大葱切成3厘米长的段, 姜切成薄片.

4、Pan cakes and green onions are served with the duck.───烤鸭一般和煎饼、大葱一块儿吃.

5、Wash chicken, diced, green onions and cut into sections, ginger slices.───三杯鸡的做法:1鸡洗净, 切块, 葱切段, 姜切片.

6、Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cilantro and green onions.───从炉上端开锅子,洒上芫荽叶和葱。

7、What can you make with green onions and eggs: ramen.───有了葱跟蛋你可以做出什么: 泡面.

8、Chop green onions into short lengths.───把青葱切成块.

9、Sprinkle with the green onions and remaining cheese.───撒上葱花和剩下的奶酪。

10、There are also carrots, green onions, peas, beans and turnips.───农庄同时还种了胡萝卜, 葱, 豌豆, 豆类和萝卜.

green onions相似词语短语

1、green dragons───绿龙

2、green corns───嫩玉米;青玉米

3、green heron───小绿鹭

4、green onion───绿洋葱;叶用葱

5、green osiers───绿柳条

6、green herons───苍鹭

7、green beans───n.青豆;绿豆;四季豆

8、green line───轰炸线,军事分界线

9、green monkeys───绿长尾猴




除了中文的“葱”和“蔥”,在日语中常用的写法是“ねぎ”,在英语中则是“green onions”或“scallions”。


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