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positive control中文翻译,positive control是什么意思,positive control发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

positive control中文翻译,positive control是什么意思,positive control发音、用法及例句

positive control

positive control发音

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positive control中文意思翻译




positive control双语使用场景

1、The motor drive part is used in specialized drive chip to achieve positive control.───电机驱动部分采用的是专门的驱动芯片来实现正反转控制。

2、S, lectin, Pat and Cryllla were cloned to be positive control.───克隆了35S, leclin, Pat和Crya四个质粒作为阳性对照.

3、Positive Control Germinal center in a tonsil or a reactive lymph node.───阳性对照:扁桃体发生中心或反应淋巴小结.

4、Apply the same procedure on a culture of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris ( Appendix I ) as positive control.───对培养的 嗜 酸菌运用同样的步骤作为正向控制.

5、Positive Control: PMA stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.───阳性对照: PMA刺激的外周血单核细胞.

6、Glucose blocks induction of the lac operon by utilizing a positive control mechanism.───葡萄糖通过正调控机制阻止乳糖操纵元的诱导.

7、Perform a growth promotion test as a positive control.───进行一个生长促进试验作为阳性对照。

8、The injury protectived control group A had lower MST, Ep, PFC, TFL than positive control group.───损伤保护组A较阳性对照组MST 、 EP 、 PFC 、 TFL降低,有显著性差〔己J少十.

9、Nevertheless, the positive control drug cis - platinum has obvious damage to liver, spleen index and thymus index.───而阳性对照药顺铂组对小鼠的肝 、 脾指数、胸腺指数有着明显的损伤.

10、Therefore, the positive control of obesity are extremely important issue in present and future.───因此,对于肥胖症的积极防治,是目前以及未来都极为重要的课题。

11、The model rats were administered with equisetum extract prophylactically, while gemfibrozil was used as positive control drug.───复制食饵性AS早期 模型,用木贼提取物预防性给药,以吉非罗齐为阳性药对照.

12、Accurately cut threads engage the yoke sleeve for positive control of disc position.───轭架套管准确的螺纹连接有助于阀瓣位置的调整控制.

positive control相似词语短语

1、positive action───积极行动;强制作用

2、pollution control───[环境]污染控制

3、positive contribution───正面贡献;积极贡献

4、pest control───害虫防治

5、cost control───[会计]成本控制

6、coercive control───强制性控制

7、lose control───失控

8、coercive controls───强制性控制

9、effective control───[经管]有效控制;有效管制


尼航空中管制缩写:ATC(Air Triffic ControI),空中管制全称,民用航空空中交通管制,中国空中管制:中华人民共和国空中交通管制,它的设置有民航空管局,各地区空中交通管理局、各大区域空管中心和各机场管制塔台。其职能是保证飞机与飞机,飞机与障碍物不发生相撞。空中管制缩写:ATC。

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