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badday(bad day中文翻译,bad day是什么意思,bad day发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

badday(bad day中文翻译,bad day是什么意思,bad day发音、用法及例句)

bad day

bad day发音

英:  美:

bad day中文意思翻译



bad day双语使用场景

1、it lift your spirits on a bad day, or does it annoy you because there's nothing happy about this particular holiday this year?───它会让你在糟糕的日子里振作起来,还是会让你因为今年这个特别的节日没有什么快乐的事情而烦恼?

2、At a time when somebody ought to be at their best and they're mediocre, what are they going to do on a bad day out there?───当一个人在应当拿出最好的表现的时候他却表现平平,那么他在不顺利的时候又会怎样呢?

3、Kabaraijian set the collection box down on Munson's desk and opened it. "Not a bad day, " he said.───卡巴拉健将矿石盒放在曼森的办公桌上,然后打开了它。“今天还不赖。”他说。

4、I'm having a really bad day.───我今天倒霉透了。

5、OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me.───好吧,你今日过得糟透了,但不要拿我出气。

6、He said: "It was a bad day. We weren't playing well, we didn't have enough energy and we did not pass well. "───他说:“今天我们踢得很糟糕,球员们踢得不是很兴奋,传球方面也做的不是很好。”

7、OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me.───好,这么说你今天遇上了很多倒霉事。可也别拿我当出气筒。

8、Or to each other. If I intercept one of those, it'll be a bad day.───如果让我逮住了一封,那将是糟糕的一天。

9、If you had a bad day in the office you need to leave that stress in the office.───如果你工作了一天不开心的话,你就把你的压力留在办公室里。

bad day相似词语短语

1、bad hat───坏蛋;不道德的人

2、bad guy───坏人

3、pay day───发薪日;[金融]付款日

4、bad rap───口碑差;无理指责

5、bad man───歹徒

6、sad day───悲伤的一天

7、lay day───许可装卸期限;停泊期,定停止期

8、tag day───标签日



Nobaday品牌隶属于奥雪文化传播(北京)有限公司,2015年,奧雪于美国西雅图创立全资控股子公司NOBADAY.LLC及同名商标NOBADAY,NOBADAY由NO BAD DAYS的缩写而来,寓意能够滑雪的天气就是好天气,NOBADAY负责全线单板滑雪的专业装备的研发及设计,2016-2017雪季公司推出单板滑雪板、雪服等专业级滑雪装备。

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