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long island中文翻译,long island是什么意思,long island发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

long island中文翻译,long island是什么意思,long island发音、用法及例句

1、long island

long island发音

英:  美:

long island中文意思翻译




long island双语使用场景

1、Born in Brooklyn in 1946, Mr Metcalfe grew up on Long Island.───梅特卡夫1946年生于布鲁克林, 在长岛长大.

2、They all went to Long Island and had a great time.───她们都去了长岛.玩儿得很愉快.

3、The group became trapped in a shallow cove of Long Island south last week.───上个礼拜,这些海豚在南边长海岛的浅滩被困住了.

4、My father also beat her to the coolers in Long Island.───我爸爸也追问过我妈长岛的冷藏器的事。

5、I went home with Tom Campbell to Long Island for Thanksgiving.───我和汤姆.坎贝尔一起去了长岛,在他家共度感恩节.

6、" A man is never lost at sea and it is a long island. "───“ 人在海上是决不会迷路的,何况这是个长长的岛屿. ”

7、I've taken some nice photographs out on Long Island asserted Mr. Mckee.───“我在长岛那边拍了几张出色的照片.”麦基先生卖弄地说.

8、I start from my home in the quiet little suburb of Forest Hills, Long Island.───我从我在长岛森林岗静静的小郊区的家出发.

9、Do you realize that they are just dumping this stuff all over long island?───你知道 吗 ?整个长岛都是这些有毒的东西.

10、" I've done some nice things out on Long Island, " asserted Mr. McKee.───“ 我在长岛那边拍过几张好的. ” 麦基先生断言.

11、A tidal estuary of southeastern Connecticut flowing about 24 km ( 15 mi ) southward to Long Island Sound.───西蒙斯康涅狄格州东南一潮汐海湾,向南约24公里 ( 15英里 ) 流入桑德长岛.

12、The family owned a large estate on long island.───这个家庭在长岛拥有大片地产.

13、" I'd like to do more work on Long Island , if I could get the entry.───“ 我很想在长岛多搞点业务, 要是有人介绍的话.

14、" Long Island Nursery, " Jennifer said crisply. " We " re takin " out all these trees. "───“ 我们是长岛苗圃来的. ” 詹妮弗说话干干脆脆. “ 我们要把这些树木全部挖掉. ”

15、Outside, I could hear the shrill cries of sea gulls as they circled surf Long Island.───屋外,海鸥在波涛澎湃的长岛海域上空盘旋, 我能听见它们发出的尖叫.

16、A closed season on deer hunting was established on Long Island.───长岛上设定了一个狩鹿禁猎期。

17、It belonged to my roommate, Tom Campbell Huntington, Long Island.───原来,标签是我室友汤姆.坎贝尔贴的.

18、The first citation for pretzel in English comes in the 1820s in a collection called Antiquities of Long Island.───椒盐卷饼在十九世纪二十年代首次引用于英语,在一部名为《长岛古风》(Antiquities of Long Island)的作品集中。

long island相似词语短语

1、coral island───n.[海洋]珊瑚岛

2、to island───去岛上

3、tiny island───小岛

4、floating islands───覆有蛋白的蛋糕;浮动岛屿

5、ice island───[海洋]浮冰岛

6、heat island───(城市上空气温偏高的)热岛

7、long distance───长途电话局,长途通迅

8、Long Island───长岛(美国纽约州东南部岛屿)

9、floating island───覆有蛋白的蛋糕;浮动岛屿






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