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team work中文翻译,team work是什么意思,team work发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

team work中文翻译,team work是什么意思,team work发音、用法及例句

1、team work

team work发音

英:  美:

team work中文意思翻译



team work双语使用场景

1、Team work with QAR, engineer and logistics supervisor in branch office.───与分支机构的 QAR,工程师和物流主管进行团队合作。

2、I am good at team work.───我擅长团队合作。

3、While Hancock and his team work on the east coast.───就在汉考克和他的团队在东海岸开展工作的时候.

4、Fluent English reading and speaking, patient and initiative, team work.───良好的英语读说能力, 耐心主动, 具团队协助精神.

5、With strong team work sprit and staff coordination skill.───有强烈的团队意识和协调员工的能力.

6、Encourage operators be active and enthusiasm in team work.───激发员工工作热情和团队合作精神,调动员工工作积极性.

7、Industrious with work , and a sense of team work.───良好的敬业精神和一定的团队协作能力.

8、Good English communication and team work ability to support foreign engineer.───良好的英语沟通及团队合作能力协助外方工程师工作.

9、Thousands of scientists have joined the research team work on cell study.───成千的科学家已加入研究干细胞的研究团队.

10、Field working patiently and has strong team work spirit.───有现场工作耐心和较强的团队精神.

11、The students learned more about team work.───同学们锻炼了团队合作。

12、Self - motivated, can bear working pressure and team work heart.───自我 激励, 能承受工作压力,团队合作精神.

13、Team work . Take initiative and honesty . Work under pressure.───团队精神,诚实并积极主动,有抗压能力.

14、Horizontal well technology is an advanced new technology with team work.───水平井技术是一项技术含量高、多学科联合紧密的新技术.

15、Attention to details, quality oriented, team work, safety conscious.───注重细节, 质量为本, 团地合作, 安全意识.

16、Good responsibility and team work sprite, can work under pressure.───具有团队合作和敬业精神, 能够承受一定的工作压力.

17、The success of the projectwas largely the result of good team - work.───这一项目能获得成功主要是大家通力合作的结果.

18、Responsibility: Report to supervisor maintenance team , work as the shift duty staff.───工作职责: 向维修主任汇报工作,属倒班工作员工.

team work相似词语短语

1、team sport───n.团体性运动

2、temp work───临时工

3、strap work───织带工作


5、desk work───案头工作,科室工作



8、gym work───体育工作

9、at work───在工作;上班

2、cooperation teamwork这两个意思一样吗


cooperation [[kəʊ,ɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n]]


n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力


Cooperation:合作 | 协作 | 协同

teamwork [['tiːmwɜːk]]


n. 团队合作;协力


Teamwork:团队合作 | 团队精神 | 团队协作

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