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each day中文翻译,each day是什么意思,each day发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

each day中文翻译,each day是什么意思,each day发音、用法及例句

each day

each day发音

英:  美:

each day中文意思翻译



each day双语使用场景

1、I could spend each day gorging on chocolate.───我可以将每一天都花在狂吃巧克力上。

2、Yet, at the end of each day he would only have collected one or two rupees, barely enough to buy a dry chapati and a cup of sweet chai.───但是每一天,他都只能得到一个或两个卢比,只够买一个干面包和一杯印度奶茶。

3、Try to find something each day that provides a challenge , even if it is just a different way of dong ordinary tasks .───每天去发掘一些富有挑战性的东西,就算只是换一种方式来做普通的任务。

4、Because Exxon is now such a Goliath, it now must replace many more barrels each day than it used to.───因为今日的埃克森是如此庞大的石油巨人,每天要消耗的石油量比过去多得多。

5、We lived precariously. I suppose I wanted to squeeze as much pleasure from each day as I possibly could.───我们过着动荡不安的生活。我想我那时候是想从每一天中获取尽量多的快乐。

6、Each day I will make a point to tell both of my boys how much I love them, whether they are four or eighteen!───每天我都要告诉我两个儿子我有多爱他们,不论他们是四岁还是十八岁。

7、They kept me chained up every night and released me each day.───他们每天晚上把我铐起来,白天再把我解开。

8、For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information.───一个星期里,杨世荣每天都离开自己铺着破旧地砖、挂着毛主席像的屋子,来到矿区打探消息。

9、Foreign have a Thanksgiving, but let's China is no, that was just as well, why don't we each day as Thanksgiving to it.───外国有一个感恩节,可咱们中国却没有,那倒无妨,咱们何不把每一天都当作感恩节来过呢。

each day相似词语短语

1、speech day───一年一度的授奖演讲日

2、feast day───n.节日;斋日;宗教节日

3、each way───获得前三名之一的;得胜的

4、match days───比赛日

5、match day───比赛日

6、beach party───海滩派对(等于shoreparty)

7、beach bag───沙滩包;海滨浴场用手提袋,海滨游泳袋


each day的意思是地球清洁日;每一天。例如:I look forward to each day and experiencing something new. 

every day,的意思是每一天;每日。例如:My memory is like a library of video tapes, walk_through of, every day of my life from waking to sleeping, he explains. 

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