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wreaking havoc中文翻译,wreaking havoc是什么意思,wreaking havoc发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

wreaking havoc中文翻译,wreaking havoc是什么意思,wreaking havoc发音、用法及例句

1、wreaking havoc

wreaking havoc发音

英:  美:

wreaking havoc中文意思翻译



wreaking havoc双语使用场景

1、The trend is wreaking havoc inside the publishing industry, but inside homes, the plot takes a personal twist as couples find themselves torn over the “right way” to read.───这种趋势对出版产业无疑是场浩劫。 而在家庭内部,这也引发了夫妻们关于什么才是正确阅读方式的争论。

2、Here we have a really captivating image, but it's wreaking havoc on the readability of our text.───此处我们有一幅很吸引人的图像,但它对文本的可读性造成了损害。

wreaking havoc相似词语短语

1、braking harrow───制动耙

2、wrecking ball───落锤破碎机;破碎球

3、breaking ball───变向球;拐弯球

4、breaking into───破门而入(;eakinto的现在分词)

5、breaking dance───霹雳舞

6、breaking even───无亏损的经营

7、breaking away───脱离;放弃;逃跑


敢死队 suicide squada forlorn hopeThe Expendables相关例句:

1.施瓦辛格确认他将会在《敢死队》中客串演出。Schwarzenegger confirmed he would be making a cameo appearance in The Expendables.

2.A suicide squad has broken past security and entered the Gold Plaza shopping mall and is wreaking havoc on weekend shoppers.敢死队打破了以往的和平,进入黄金广场购物中心,袭击周末购物人员,消灭他们避免人员伤亡。

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