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brighten up(brightened up中文翻译,brightened up是什么意思,brightened up发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

brighten up(brightened up中文翻译,brightened up是什么意思,brightened up发音、用法及例句)

brightened up

brightened up发音

英:[ˈbraɪtn ʌp]  美:[ˈbraɪtn ʌp]

英:  美:

brightened up中文意思翻译



brightened up双语使用场景

1、in the middle of our meal , the church choir came in and sang us some christmas carols and brightened up the christmas spirit.───吃到一半,教堂唱诗班进来为我们唱了几首圣诞颂歌,点燃了圣诞气氛。

2、Already the couple has brightened up the place: Pumpkins adorn the front steps, and life has returned to the bedrooms.───夫妇两人已经使房子焕然一新:前门的台阶上装点着南瓜,卧室里也有了生气。

3、The children's faces were brightened up when they saw their parents appear at the gate of the kindergarten.───当孩子们看到家长们出现在幼儿园门口时,都喜形于色。外表,外貌表面,正面

4、She was a bit peeved at this, Marcelle, but when we informed her that we had several days ahead of us she brightened up.───对此她有几分不快,后来我们告诉她我们在这儿要呆几天,她这才高兴起来。

5、"They look exactly alike. I can't tell which is which. " The five-year-old son brightened up and said quickly to his father.───妻子生了一对双胞胎,一周后从妇产医院回到家,丈夫看到双胞胎皱起了眉头。“他们看上去一模一样,我分不出哪个是哪个。”

6、He brightened up a bit.───他微露喜色。

7、An individual who brightened up the office almost daily with his or her positive approach to work no longer displays the same enthusiasm.───谁点亮了一个办公室,几乎与他或她的日常工作,积极的态度不再显示同样的热情个人。

8、Your coming brightened up the room.───你的到来使这屋棚壁生辉。

brightened up相似词语短语



3、lightened up───放松,不要生气

4、straightened up───好转;改正;清理

5、brighten up───发亮;变得明亮起来

6、tightened up───加强;使紧密;拉紧;使更牢固

7、frightened off───吓跑;吓走


straight to the heart只是萨克斯曲,没有歌词,straight from the heart倒是有这个歌,音乐不是只有百度可以搜的,搜不到就试试搜狗音乐和Google。

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