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how are they什么意思(how are they中文翻译,how are they是什么意思,how are they发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

how are they什么意思(how are they中文翻译,how are they是什么意思,how are they发音、用法及例句)

how are they

how are they发音

英:  美:

how are they中文意思翻译



how are they双语使用场景

1、How are they travelling?───他们是怎样旅行的?

2、(And how are they determining relevance, we wonder? ) An alphabetical listing or listing them by category would be a lot more helpful.───(而且,确定相关度的方法也让我们很是怀疑)按字母顺序或是分类排列也许更有用。

3、How are you enjoying working out with Chinese people? How are they different to, you know, North America?───你喜欢与中国人在一起健身吗?他们跟北美人有什么不同?

4、After all, if firms do not know that they are in violation, how are they going to correct the violation?───毕竟,如果公司不知道他们存在违法行为,他们怎么去纠正呢?

5、SCARLETT: All right Paw, you jump what you please. How are they all over at Twelve Oaks?───好吧,爸,随你喜欢吧。十二橡树那边怎么样?

6、they helpful?───他们有什么作用?

7、As for the clients, how are they able to afford such entertainment in a recession; are their companies paying for this entertainment?───对于那些顾主来说,他们拿什么在经济萧条下为此类娱乐买单;难道他们的公司为这种娱乐报销么?

8、How are they able to see the operation through to the end?───他们是如何完成自杀式袭击行动的呢?

9、How are they positioned today?───如今他们的仓位如何?

how are they相似词语短语

1、more than───多于;超出;比……多

2、how are you───你好

3、none the───一点也不

4、how's that───你怎么看;怎么样;那是怎么一回事;怎麽会

5、show and tell───展示说明;表演秀

6、howl at the moon───对着月亮嚎叫

7、now and then───偶尔;有时;不时

8、how dare you───你敢;胆子真大啊

9、how about───你认为…怎样

what are they句型?


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