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security check中文翻译,security check是什么意思,security check发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

security check中文翻译,security check是什么意思,security check发音、用法及例句

1、security check

security check发音

英:  美:

security check中文意思翻译



security check双语使用场景

1、Police: Hello, sir. Please accept our security check.───警察: 你好, 先生. 请接受我们的安全检查.

2、This is a regular security check. Please cooperate.───这是安全检查工作的需要, 请您配合.

3、Next you will go for security check.───其次您向安全检查求助.

4、Please go and proceed through security check.───请往那边走通过安全检查.

5、Please take a step rightwards and stretcharms sideways for our security check!───请右跨一步.双臂张开配合我们安检!

6、Passengers are required to through security check.───旅客必须通过安全检查.

7、What is the procedure of the security check?───安全检查的手续是怎么样的?

8、security check will last for 7 months.───安检将持续7个月。

9、Without a security check of baggage and goods, the carrier shall not be transported.───未经安全检查的行李和物品, 承运人不得运输.

10、Please accept our security check.───请接受安全检查.

11、Please hurry up to pass security check, now it's boarding.───请您赶快过安检, 现在已经登机了.

12、Please move on to the security check passage.───请往前走,通过安全检查通道.

13、I drove gingerly past the security check points.───我战战兢兢地开车经过安检站。

14、The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check.───这次航班的延误是由于必须做进一步的安全检查。

15、Officer: Most people get separated at security check points. Did everyone get through security?───保安员: 很多人在保安检查处走散. 大家都通过安全检查了?

16、security check is going to take a while.───安全检查要花一点时间。

17、Please go upstairs and proceed through security check and immigration.───请上楼做安全检查并办理出境手续.

18、Please consciously accept the security check, follow the on - site command staff.───请自觉接受安全检查, 听从现场工作人员指挥.

security check相似词语短语

1、security threat───保安巡逻,对安全的威胁;安全感胁

2、security camera───监控录像机;监控摄像头

3、security chief───安全主管

4、security leak───安全漏洞

5、parity check───奇偶校验检查

6、security checks───安全检查;安检

7、security thread───安全线程




My family gave me a sense of security.


The boss used his house as security.


This spy leaked state secrets many times and compromised national security.


At the airport, everyone should go through the security check.

在机场 每一个人都应该通过安检

Are these new security checks really necessary?


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