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susceptible to中文翻译,susceptible to是什么意思,susceptible to发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

susceptible to中文翻译,susceptible to是什么意思,susceptible to发音、用法及例句

1、susceptible to

susceptible to发音

英:  美:

susceptible to中文意思翻译




susceptible to双语使用场景

1、Large - seeded varieties seem to be more susceptible to seed coat damage.───大粒品种似乎更容易使种皮遭受伤害.

2、James was extremely susceptible to flattery.───詹姆斯听几句奉承话就忘乎所以。

3、We are all susceptible to advertising.───我们都易受广告的影响.

4、He's highly susceptible to flattery.───他爱听恭维话。

5、In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible to cold.───他身体很弱, 因此很容易患感冒.

6、Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements.───年轻人最容易受广告的影响。

7、He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery.───他雄心勃勃,而且很喜欢听别人的恭维话。

8、James was extremely susceptible to flattery.───詹姆斯非常容易受奉承话的影响。

9、All marriages, all relationships, are susceptible to that.───所有的婚姻, 所有的固定的关系都是有可能陷入这种惰性的.

10、Pressure - fed engines are particularly susceptible to dissolved gas in the propellants.───挤压 式 发动机对推进剂中溶解的气体特别敏感.

11、Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.───负重行走时肩膀很容易受伤。

12、Others are more susceptible to attempts at quantification.───其他人更容易倾向于加以量化的做法。

13、Children are susceptible to various illnesses.───孩子易患各种疾病.

14、Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.───行走使肩膀很容易受伤。

15、Liquids may not be too viscous or be susceptible to crystallization.───液体不能太粘稠,也不能易结晶。

16、Some cultivars are more susceptible to mold damage than others.───有些品种比其它品种对毒害更敏感.

17、Every quarrel left its mark and made Bertha more susceptible to affront.───每一次吵架都留下了裂痕,使伯莎动辄当面挑战.

susceptible to相似词语短语


2、accessible to───易接近的;可归属的;可得到的




6、susceptible of───可以有;能…的;容许的


8、highly susceptible to───高度易受



(一)片语动词(phrasal verbs),如:

①turn down:拒绝;②turn up:出现;③take after:长得像 ……;④put off:延期;⑤put up with:忍受;⑥do away with:取消、废除;⑦go back on:食言;⑧zero in on:将注意力集中在 ……

(二)介词短语(prepositional phrases),如:

①in a nutshell:总而言之;②by leaps and bounds:很迅速地;③with open arms:热烈地;④under the weather:不舒服; ⑤from time to time:偶尔;⑥of one's own free will:自愿地;⑦by degrees:渐渐地;⑧on one's own:独自;⑨without fail :一定;⑩in high spirits:精神奕奕地。

(三)动词短语(verb phrases),如:

①pluck up courage:鼓起勇气;②get to the bottom of…… :查询到底;③ hold the fort:代人尽责;④waste one's breath :浪费气力;⑤close one's eyes to……:熟视无睹;⑥come in handy:会有用处;⑦go without saying:不说便知;⑧lose track of:失去踪迹。

(四)名词短语(noun phrases),如:

① a bird's eye view of……:概览;② a bolt from the blue:晴天霹雳;③ Achilles' heel:人性上的一个弱点;④ child's play:轻而易举的事;⑤ food for thought:可供思考的事;⑥ a flash in the pan:昙花一现;⑦a feast for the eyes :赏心悦目事;⑧ the rat race:激烈的竞争。

(五)形容词短语(adjective phrases),如:

① bent on……:决心……;② susceptible to……:易于…… ;③devoid of……:缺乏……;④conducive to……:有助于……; ⑤comfortably off:富裕的;⑥ busy with……:忙于……;⑦ second to none:最佳的;⑧serious of purpose:认真的。


① ways and means:各种方法;② aches and pains:各种疼痛;③ law and order:法规;④ odds and ends:零星杂品;⑤ make or break:不成功就失败;⑥ give and take:亦取亦舍、互相忍让;⑦ forgive and forget:既往不咎;⑧ hale and hearty :健壮的;⑨free and easy:自由自在的;⑩ here and there:各处;11 safe and sound:安然无恙的;12 now and then:偶尔。

(七)成语/谚语(proverbs/ maxims),如:

① more haste, less speed:欲速不达;② man proposes, God disposes:谋事在人,成事在天;③ strike while the iron is hot:打铁趁热;④ easy come, easy go:易得易失;⑤ time flies:光阴飞快;⑥ prevention is better than cure:预防胜过治疗;⑦ never say "die":永不言“休”;⑧ the early bird catches the worm:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

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