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the sun中文翻译,the sun是什么意思,the sun发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

the sun中文翻译,the sun是什么意思,the sun发音、用法及例句

1、the sun

the sun发音

英:[ðə sʌn]  美:[ðə sʌn]

英:  美:

the sun中文意思翻译




the sun双语使用场景

1、Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.───它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。

2、People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.───人们可以通过避免阳光照射来预防皮肤癌。

3、The fashion-conscious will go for anything under the sun!───流行意识将无所不在。

4、sun was shining all day.───白天一直阳光明媚。

5、They watched the sun set behind the distant dales.───他们望着夕阳没入远处的山谷。

6、The sun'sdazzle on the water hurts my eyes.───水面上耀眼的阳光刺痛了我的眼睛。

7、John and Isabelle moved apart, back into the sun.───约翰和伊莎贝拉彼此分开,回到了阳光下。

8、The sun went behind a cloud.───太阳躲在了一朵云的后面。

9、the sun's detrimental effect on skin───日光对皮肤的有害影响

10、It is a mild morning and the sun is shining.───这是个和煦的早晨,阳光普照。

11、The sun beat down mercilessly.───阳光无情地照射下来。

12、We sat there for hours talking about everything under the sun.───我们在那儿坐了几个小时,谈天说地。

13、Far off to the west the sun was sinking.───远处夕阳西下。

14、The sea glinted in the sun.───阳光下的海面波光粼粼。

15、The washing might dry outside today, the sun's shining.───洗过的衣物可能今天晾在外面就能干,阳光正足。

16、Silhouetted against the sun stood the figure of a man.───阳光映衬出一名男子的轮廓。

17、The sun played on the frosty roofs.───阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。

18、Oh, look! The sun's coming out!───噢,看!太阳出来啦!

the sun相似词语短语

1、the Man───大哥,厉害的人

2、the Son───儿子

3、the runs───跑步

4、the Hub───枢纽

5、the turn───轮到我了

6、the pen───笔

7、the hut───小屋



含义:n. 太阳


用作名词 (n.)

The sun soon scattered the clouds.


His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun.


常用词组:In the sun 是在阳光里 enjoy the sun享受阳光 shadow on the sun 阳光下的影子he sun never sets in the british 日不落

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